Causes and Effects of Hunting Regulations

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Cause and Effects of Hunting Regulations
Hunting is a sport involving people throughout the United States whether it is done for a source of food or just for fun. Each year people across the U.S. spend over ten billion dollars on hunting activities and equipment. In order to protect species of wildlife, each states’ department of natural resources is required to develop numerous hunting regulations. Hunting regulations are basically laws set forth specifically for the hunting population. While these regulations are specified to correctively manage populations, they usually produce unintended effects of hunter safety (Conlin, Dikert-Conlin & Pepper, 2009).
In 2009 Pennsylvania Department of Natural Resources called for changes in hunting regulations, one law allowing both genders of deer to be harvested and the other requiring a minimum point count for a buck to be shot. With allowing the harvesting of both genders enables hunters to take less caution before the shot. In opposition to hunters taking less time, they must in order to decide whether a buck is qualified harvesting size (Conlin, Dikert-Conlin & Pepper, 2009).
Like any other subject the need must be assessed for a change before carrying it out. Research for the change was all the data from any reported hunting accident in Pennsylvania counties from 1990 to 2005 (Conlin, Dikert-Conlin & Pepper, 2009). Due to the high population of hunters Pennsylvania is the ideal state for gathering data from. Pennsylvania’s number of deer hunters is nine percent higher than any other in the United States (Conlin, Dikert-Conlin & Pepper, 2009).
From 1990 to 2005 the bag limit has changed from twelve days of buck season and three days for does only to twelve days for either gender hunt...

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...a species helps people whether or not they hunt because it keeps them safe as they travel the roads. Most of the effects of regulations are sometimes not even thought of by those who develop them.

Biederbeck, H., Boulay, M., & Jackson, D. (1999). Effects of hunting regulations on bull elk survival and age structure. Retrieved from regs_and_bull_elk_survival.pdf Conlin, M., Dickert-Conlin, S., & Pepper, J. (2009). THE DEER HUNTER:
Review Of Economics & Statistics, 91(1), 178-187.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources. (2014, February 06).
Ohio wildlife council to consider proposed deer hunting dates and bag limits. Retrieved from

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