Personal Narrative: My Failure At St. Thomas Aquinas High School

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Failure was something I struggled with all my life inside the classroom. One simple, but very difficult decision to change high schools. Put me on a course to succeed as a student and as a young man. Freshman year I made the decision to attend St. Thomas Aquinas High School. At the time it seemed like the best decision for me academically, socially, and athletically. My freshman year was rocky to say the least. Everything was going well for me in athletics and socially but the one that was most important I struggled in which was academically. I struggled focusing, getting my work done on time, and self advocating. I didn’t know it at the time but this was a part of who I was, and was brought on with my ADHD which is something I have struggled with from a very young age all through my life. This was causing me lots of stress, worry, and the difficult acknowledgement that I may never be able to go to college. At the time my older sister was attending the …show more content…

The biggest part of this was my resistance to admit that I learned differently than anyone else. In my mind I was stupid, lazy and just not good enough. Slowly, but surely with the love and care of my teachers and family things started to change. At a certain point I admitted my learning difference and I bought in to the skills, strategies and lessons that Landmark was teaching. It showed in my work but also in my attitude and the way I felt about myself. I was no longer angry all the time or disappointed that I could not complete certain tasks and assignments. Most importantly, I learned how to ask for help and advocate for myself when I was confused or when I did not understand something. I also found a group of friends who understood and supported me like no others I have ever had. For the first time in a long time I felt good about

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