College Admissions Essay: Overcoming Failure

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It screamed failure right to my face. A big fat “62” written in red Sharpie was scribbled on the top of my first math test sophomore year. After an impeccable record of straight A’s in middle school and freshman year, I knew what it was like to be on top. I built a facade of intelligence that made me feel superior to my classmates. When my teachers handed back tests, I would always leave the side with the grade up, hoping someone sitting next to me would look over and be impressed by my achievement. Nights before presentation days, I would spend hours rehearsing, even if the grade was formative. So when my Advanced Algebra Honors teacher handed me my test back face down, making sure not to flaunt the red marks of shame to my peers, I was smacked in the face. “How am I going to get into college?”, “How am I going to get scholarships?”, “Will I ever be able to get a good job?”. My first failure prompted me with such questions that haunted me for the rest of class. I’m sure I failed at many things growing up, but this was more than failing, it was feeling like a failure. I placed my identity and value in school because it was the one thing …show more content…

In fact, nearly 40% of the 4.5 million college students will leave an institution without a degree. One of the major reasons for this, only behind finances, is failing. In high school, students are safeguarded from failing and find it shameful to bomb even a single test. These students then go onto college, not knowing how to cope when they experience their first failure. Fortunately, I was able to work through this before being on my own. But what about the students who were able to survive the world of perfectionism throughout high school, how will they react once they do fail at something? Some may rise to the challenge, but many will withdraw completely because they don’t know how to respond when classes become too hard or life becomes too

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