Personal Narrative: My Color Is Blue

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My color is blue, and I am a do-gooder, meaning that everything has to be perfect. It is my dominant color, but I'm only 90% blue and 10% white. For me everything has to be perfect, I'm not always perfect because we all have our negative characteristics, mine are highly demanding and really moody, that's why I'm mostly blue. I'm not always like this, I'm also kind and loyal. Their are yellow and red, but I don't relate to them as much as I do to blue,and I only relate to white because I am a kind person. One potential problem is that I am highly demanding. When I am in a group at school, outside of school and even with my parents. I would start demanding things to them and sometimes it can get out of control. I hate that I have that characteristic, because I can lose friends that way. I try to keep it under control most of the time so something bad doesn't happen. It's a good thing to have different characteristics because it makes you unique. Sometimes it can be good when I am demanding, for an example, if my group isn't doing their work and are talking, then I would get into my demanding mode and then they would start working again. So my characteristic is good and bad in both ways. …show more content…

All of my friends and family members trust me with their secrets, with any type of work and always know that I'am telling the truth. Even my teachers in Junior High trust me, because they know that I am a loyal person. Loyalty is not permanent. In other words, loyalty to a person can easily fade. Being loyal also means to be kind, I'm always kind to my friends, family, and teachers, this way they start noticing that I am loyal. Loyalty to me is being faithful. Loyalty is just as important as respect, without loyal friends or family then you will be alone in life; even you have to be loyal to

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