Examples Of Trust In The Tragedy Of Brutus

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The Tragedy of Brutus; Trusting to Extinction. Trust is a trait one should obtain for the people they know are the most honest. To trust someone means to put ones full confidence and reliability on an acquaintance such as someone one is close with. In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus, one of the leading characters put his complete trust in the people trying to tell him what he should believe. Brutus joined the conspirators to help take down Julius Caesar because he believed it was what was good for Rome based on what he was deceived. This resulted in the killing of Caesar and the death of himself and others. Not considering the right kind of trust in someone can lead to very troubling things. Cassius told a lie as if it was a truth so Brutus …show more content…

Brutus put his trust in Antony to not turn on him at the funeral. He was lead to believe that Antony would only speak good of the conspirators and defend them for the actions they have made. He trusted Antony when he told him he would not express such hate and talk of the bad they did and then later turned against them for the vengeance of Caesar. Brutus told Antony, “You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, But speak all good you can devise of Caesar” (III.i.245-246). He told him that the only way he is going to be able to speak at Caesar’s funeral is if he speaks good of the conspirators. After Antony said his speech, the whole crowd immediately switched and sided with him against them. They wanted nothing more than for Brutus, Cassius and the other contributors to be dead. This reveals that Brutus is shameful for putting his trust in someone who was so close to Caesar. Brutus trusted that Antony wouldn't do anything and just imagined he would be to scared to step up and speak out. This leads to Brutus losing the trust he had for Antony and starting a war between the people and the conspirators. As the war was about to proceed, they all prepped for what was about to happen. Antony and his army completely dominated Brutus’ and lead to many of them fleeing for their lives. Many people died by genocide while other committed suicide. Brutus was among the ones of suicide. He no longer wanted to be alive and felt that he had lived and fulfill what he had wanted. People were dead and he knew he was going to be one of them. Brutus’ last words were, “Caesar, now be still; I killed not thee with half so good a will” (V.v.50-51). He wanted Caesar to know that he can now be at rest because the vengeance he was looking for has been given. Because of all the trust he put in the people that were taking advantage of him, he ended up finishing his life. This reveals that Brutus really did

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