The Kite Runner Loyalty Quotes Analysis

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Loyalty is one of the only things that can hold the bonds of family and friends. Throughout the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the theme which is shown through the film is “loyalty is one of the only things that can hold bonds between family and friends”. In the beginning of the novel Amir describes Hassan’s loyalty by saying, “Hassan never wanted to, but if I asked, he wouldn’t deny me. Hassan never denied me anything” (4) This quote shows how Amir would make Hassan do things against his will, but because Hassan was so loyal to Amir, he would do the things Amir asked him to do. The theme is shown through this quote because this occurs at the very beginning of the story and Hassan is putting Amir’s needs before his own, this will reflect throughout the …show more content…

With the combination of Amir learning of Hassan and Farzana’s death, leaving Sohrab and orphan, and seeing Hassan’s forgiveness and loyalty in this letter, he has no choice to try and fix up his broken past he had with Hassan through Sohrab. Because of Hassan’s loyalty, it was able to make Amir see that it was finally time to show some loyalty to Hassan and bring his own family together by collecting Sohrab, who is his own nephew. Together all of these quotes show some of the different acts of loyalty that different characters had shown throughout the book. If Hassan had not shown compassion, forgiveness and loyalty in his letter to Hassan, it most likely would not have mended their friendship and brought together their family. All relationships in the world whether it is family or friends, need to have a strong base of loyalty shown from both sides, in this novel, it tells about the different relationships and different acts of loyalty different characters had shown, which in the end helps bring family and friends back together. This can be a real life lesson to always be loyal to close friends and family because in the future

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