Personal Narrative: My 9th Grade

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My first month at RVEC started off pretty good. Actually being in 9th grade does show some changes. The teachers don’t treat us the way they did last year, which was if they somehow felt we were lower than everyone else. I do not see any changes in those who are from Old RVEC-8, everyone still acts the similar to the way in which they did last year. I already knew what to expect from the teachers I had last school year. My new teachers are not that bad, they are cool for the most part. As of now, I am unsure if I am going to have a teacher this year that I will become close with or become my favorite. This year, I want to stay a lot more focused than I did the previous year. Last year, I would slack a little and it showed in my grades. Therefore, I am not going to let that happen this year and will stay focused each grading period. These changes are for the better because I want to maintain my rank at the top of my class with a corresponding high grade-point-average. Also, keeping my grades up can help me gain acceptance into a prestigious college in the future.

All my classes have been pretty normal for the first month. There is not a class that I find difficult for me or gets me all worked up. If I had to choose a difficult one, though, it would be Ms. Ramsey’s math class. We have a significant amount work …show more content…

We no longer have the amount of freedom as we did last year. Students are not in a position to get away with some of the things they have done in the past. Mr. Pullen is not only keeping us in line, he is also making sure the teachers are completing their assigned duties, and meeting his expectations. Some students do not like him, nor the way he enforces the rules, unlike what the previous principal, Mr. Butler. It does not matter to me who the principal is, regardless of who is in administration, I am still going to work hard and stay focused on achieving my

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