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The impact of motivation on students
Impact of motivation in teaching
The impact of motivation on students
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My first month at RVEC started off pretty good. Actually being in 9th grade does show some changes. The teachers don’t treat us the way they did last year, which was if they somehow felt we were lower than everyone else. I do not see any changes in those who are from Old RVEC-8, everyone still acts the similar to the way in which they did last year. I already knew what to expect from the teachers I had last school year. My new teachers are not that bad, they are cool for the most part. As of now, I am unsure if I am going to have a teacher this year that I will become close with or become my favorite. This year, I want to stay a lot more focused than I did the previous year. Last year, I would slack a little and it showed in my grades. Therefore, I am not going to let that happen this year and will stay focused each grading period. These changes are for the better because I want to maintain my rank at the top of my class with a corresponding high grade-point-average. Also, keeping my grades up can help me gain acceptance into a prestigious college in the future.
All my classes have been pretty normal for the first month. There is not a class that I find difficult for me or gets me all worked up. If I had to choose a difficult one, though, it would be Ms. Ramsey’s math class. We have a significant amount work
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We no longer have the amount of freedom as we did last year. Students are not in a position to get away with some of the things they have done in the past. Mr. Pullen is not only keeping us in line, he is also making sure the teachers are completing their assigned duties, and meeting his expectations. Some students do not like him, nor the way he enforces the rules, unlike what the previous principal, Mr. Butler. It does not matter to me who the principal is, regardless of who is in administration, I am still going to work hard and stay focused on achieving my
Henson, the assistant principal, lacks the communicator trait. Henson has not taken any opportunities to communicate with the parents, students, staff, or community this year. Due to his lack of communication skills he has not fostered any relationships with individuals who he will interact with next year as the head principal. Henson has been assigned the head principal job for the 2016-17 school; I believe his lack of communication skills will cause problems in his principalship. Parents want their children to attend schools where the teachers and administrators are relatable and can effectively communicate his expectations for them and their children.
During 8th grade, I got called out to the counselor’s office. Entering the counselor’s office, the counselor told me that I was in the honors class. The day I graduated Junior High with honors changed the next 4 years in High school. I promised myself and my mom that I would be graduating High school with honors. For the past 4 years, I have worked so hard to be in the honors program, again. I started to take advanced classes and then I started to take dual credit classes my junior year. If it wasn’t for being in the honors program my 8th grade year, I don’t think I would be as worried about my grades as I am now.
The most challenging class that I have taken during my senior year would be AP Calculus. Having to transition in going to Precalculus to AP Calculus have been a brave action for me to do. AP Calculus has been the class of my senior year that I am having the most struggle on. Even though I have been struggling in that class, I have the ability to make myself to go to tutoring with my AP Calculus teacher Mr. Ninofranco in order to clarify my confusions. I had to endure all the challenging courses with hard work and dedication to the subject in order to fully understand it and obtain a passing grade. This year, I have found my strength in having the ability to ask for help whenever I am confused at a certain point. I had the chance to take the advantage of using the resources that my school have made available to me.
Ask yourself, how was your 8th grade year… Was it good, bad, fun, or stressful? Well most of my 8th grade year was bad but the ending actually turned out good. The start of my year was exciting, but that was just the beginning. As time went on and the work started to come in, that's when things turned south for me. I started stressing about everything I had to do, I was getting to overwhelmed. I would catch myself slipping constantly and it was worrying me because I didn't want to get held back a year. I slowly started to lose all interest in all of my work.
I consider myself to be a hard worker when I study and work, who honestly loves school. My favorite classes of 8th grade are honors geometry AB, Investigation and Science & IED. I love these classes because when I solve problems experiment it feels like it's a big puzzle that is in need to be put together and I'm a person who likes to figure things out. I believe that my interactions in these classes are to be a cooperative learner and I participate in the class or group discussions. A description of myself when I work is that I am a very fast learner, so when it comes to doing independent project or tests, I finish very fast so I have a really large amount of time to check over and fix simple mistakes. Although, when I am working with my peer
Overall, I think my first semester went pretty well. I honestly didn’t know what to expect; I had some ideas about how things might be, but they were pretty vague ideas, and I never really expected them to be very close to the truth. I did expect my chemistry class to be pretty easy, and that ended up being true for me. I expected to make friends early on, but that didn’t necessarily pan out like I thought. Also, I was alone in my room more than I had anticipated, because my roommate goes home every weekend. However, I was able to adapt to living in a dorm and going to class every day much more quickly than I thought I would.
High school is supposed to be a one more step closer to college; it’s supposed to be preparing you for the future right? Wrong. My experience in high school was very different; I never quite fit in with anyone, the “friends” that I thought that I had used me for money. Let’s just say when I was a freshman I had a friend whom I knew from grade school, her name was Meghan Lawrence and she was the kind of person who I really believed I could tell her anything and she would keep it to herself. Once again I was proven wrong, I developed a crush on a boy and she knew that I had a crush on him; one morning before class both he and she went to the corner store, she thought it would be funny to tell him all about my crush, which he tortured me with, playing with my emotions, made me feel like he might actually like me back.
I am a very introverted person, had no serious thought about becoming a professor or teaching in the future and did not know what I was getting myself into when emailing you about the course. I only knew that it was a great opportunity and that despite my introversion and social anxiety I was to try my hardest to become part of the team. After the first meeting I knew this class would help and force me to grow – I have yet to be proven wrong. My first day as a teaching assistant (TA) was surprisingly exciting – eye contact still mildly difficult, but helping others flowed naturally. The amount of gratitude received from these students for aiding them in the simplest task was endearingly heart-warming. It was difficult when I came across things I did not know; not because I felt inadequate but because I genuinely wanted to help but couldn’t. The students are great and seeing them understand something makes
I found the week as a whole a fun, new experience. It was great to meet new people that I may never would have met before joining this class. I am very gracious to have chosen to be a part of this great new experience. This first week allowed me to learn many new things that I did not know before about our friends. The week also showed me many new ways to play games and workout with the integration of dance. I learned how to do some yoga techniques, new stretches, and some new muscle strengthening exercises. The week also helped to improve my leadership skills and collaboration skills. The first week gave me a great first impression and through that impression, I can tell the rest of the semester will be just as great as the first week.
I did not find it challenging per se; however, I noticed that I read textbooks and articles not to merely obtain knowledge. I kept in mind the question --how each reading relates to the learning outcomes and other units in the course—as I read. It was a slightly different way of reading the materials compares to other classes. The question stems from my wish for this course to flow well in addition to covering all the significant topics.
My main goal in the beginning of the year was and is complete a career also to be responsible and organized because in high school I always left my homework or projects for the last minute and I knew that if I keep going in this way in college, this would bring me problems. Principally you need a motivation as in Chapter 2 from the book Cornerstone: Creating Success through Positive Change talks about how motivate yourself. There are two ways of motivation external and internal. The external is the support from family or friends or even teachers that are pushing you to do something and thus complete a degree or a career, the internal on the other hand is the most important because it depends on yourself as a need “To be something, to have something to attain a goal that you truly desire, or to solve a problem”. Also you have to know the values in your life to protect them an also use them as an external motivation to be responsible even you hav...
As I got my schedule, I was curious to find out who my teachers were going to be and how they were going to be. I wasn’t worried if I had any friends or strangers in my classes. My only concerned was to pass my classes and make the experience fun as possible. The first semester passed and I did very well. I have trouble in my algebra class. I was
Overall, this has been one of my favorite classes in that I can work at my own pace, make my own deadlines (besides the due dates), and communicate with others in ways I had never done before. I am more of a hands on, face to face, confrontation kind of student,
I didn’t see any misbehavior. The principal actually came into the classroom and talked to me about my college life and that made me feel special. He also made comments on some of the students projects, that made them feel good about themselves. All the teachers were friends. During lunch time, they were talking about what lesson they were going to do next and tried making a lesson plan together. They all seemed like a team. That makes me excited going into teaching, knowing that even when I mess up another teacher has my back. Also knowing that you’re not in it all alone is more
Most freshmen like me that enter the school are scared. I think the first week of the school is the easiest since there would not be a lot of homework and what you need to do is to listen to what you need for the class and know other people well in the class. But I am wrong, as soon as you get seated on your assigned seat, new teachers start to introduce themselves and start giving tons of homework. As the bell rings, I start rushing to my next class hoping that I wouldn’t be late. The first day of school is always the hardest since you don’t have any new friends and you have to sit in the cafeteria alone when it is lunch time. As day starting to go by, I found myself getting earlier and earlier to class. Talking starts to increas...