Personal Narrative: Monsters Inc.

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12 Hours It was 7:30 pm, 3 hours 30 minutes after the employers left for a wedding, leaving me in their classic Georgian plantation mansion. I was taking care of their daughter ,Terry, who had just fallen asleep just as the movie we were watching, Monsters Inc., finished. She was an angel in my opinion. Most of the kids i took care of pulled my hair, ran around screaming, and never fell asleep. She was curled up in a ball with her ‘blankey” on the love seat. The house was too large for a family of 3, it was a waste of space. But for my family it would have been a perfect size. I was the second oldest of 5 kids, 2 brothers 2 sisters. My dad abandoned us when I was about 2, leaving my mother to put food on the table for 6 people. I set up a babysitting business to make extra money so i can save up for college, I would hate asking my mom to pay that much. The grandfather clock let out a loud dong …show more content…

I pass so many closets i lost count, all containing either extra pillows and blankets, or cleaning supply. At the end of the hallway there were 2 large, wooden doors. I reached the handle to open them but as I opened it I heard the front door downstairs bang open and the grandfather clock bong. 10 pm said my phones screen. I heard talking and noticed that it was my employers, home very early. I don't know why I ran into their master bedroom.Maybe it was because I didn't want them to catch me being a curious George. I crawled under the bed and as I looked up onto the bed springs I saw a photograph that made me scream, literally. It was y employers in formal wear but, their clothes were splattered with blood and Mrs. Johnson holding a head of a young woman, and Mr. Johnson holding the sword that was in the parlor room. I heard my employers, Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, running up the stairs. I looked to the side where the door was and noticed the door open and the Johnsons enter the room. I held on to the photo just

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