Personal Narrative: How Music Changed My Life

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I have all my notebooks at home. Which is ironic because when I write in them, that’s what I feel like; at home. I know I’m the one writing in them, but it almost feels as if they are writing back. When I’m drowning in this world, music has always been my lifeguard. It has been a current pulling me to shore. Whether I’m depressed, stressed, or angry at the world, music has brought me into a new one. A sanctuary. A world brimful of emotion, melodic patterns, and harmony that come together to form something beautiful. I’ve learned throughout my life, that life is like slamming your hands on a piano. Taking the right path will create a sound of harmonic bliss, while going left creates a sound of a dismal howl. My life has been an arpeggio ascending from an A minor to a C major. From a tuba to a piccolo. From my lowest moments to my highest. …show more content…

The day I openly entered this world of music. My first lyrics read, “What if a flower was to grow without sunlight or water, what if a boy was to grow with no help from his father. Both would face tremendous obstacles, but who’s to say that boy and flower growing would be impossible.” These lyrics are in reference to a very emotional time in my life. The day my father left me, although I can’t really say he left me because I have no memory of him being here. Even so, whenever I think of him my heart plays the saddest song and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. A song suffocating and infused with weeping violins, screeching cellos, and melancholy sounds. It felt as though he left a void in my heart, but this void was later filled when my mom remarried in the year, 2008. I admit in the beginning trying to say dad was like trying to speak with a pillow over my face, but it later grew on me. The word dad that was once sealed away from my vocabulary became an extremely vital part of my life. I no longer heard that mournful and overwhelming song again, but heard cheerful trumpets and joyful

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