Personal Narrative: How I Become Proficient In My Class

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I think I have changed, but I really don't think I changed that much. I have become more proficient in my class particpation, because I wouldn't want to discuss my answers, because I thought they were to dumb of an answer. Also I was shy to speak out unless they are talking stuff about me. I also have inproved in my organization skills. I improved by it becayuse I steryted to use folders now instead of binders, because I can make each folder into my class, and when I use my binder it would also get messed up. I also liuke it because they're different color for different classes. I have become better at completing my assginments because I have notice that when I don't do them correctly or turn them in when it's do then my grade would go lower. …show more content…

Before I can empathy I need to trust them or I can see if they're loyal. I need that because some people can act fake about how they see you as or like they just want you for stuff and activities. I don't really show empathy to people unless I need someone to understand a problem I have. Also I don't like to share my feelings, because I don't want to see my weak side, being over dramtic, or getting mad or crazy over a small arguement. I do support others, if they support me. I don't help people out sometimes, because they're just using me for something. I only help people if they're sad, or trying them to calm them down when they're mad, because who knows what they can do. Sometimes I am positive about around others sometimes I'm not. I'm only positive when I'm laughing and loud. When I'm not I'm quiet and having a straight face not showing emotions. It depends how the conflict is. If it is a talking or arguing conflict I would start talking and defend myself because no one is going to talk to me like that. If it is a fist fight conflict and they swing and me first you better know I'm going to swing back because I'm not going to let anyone hit me like even if it didn't hurt. If they want to go against me she or he better be careful because I can

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