Examples Of Sacrifice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The virtue I value most is empathy. I believe that empathy is the virtue I value the most because you need empathy to survive and communicate with people in the work world and everyday situations. Empathy is the power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person's feeling; the ability to understand what someone is going through. I do not think empathy is providing them with pity or forcibly trying to fix their situation. I do think empathy in my own words is the ability to be able to connect and feel what the other person is feeling, showing you care and listening to what they have to say. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus shows many examples of empathy like in the book when he says “If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with a lot of folks. You never understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” (Ch.3 P.30) This shows that when Scout was having problems at school not understanding some kids or teachers and she told Atticus about it he showed her indirectly what empathy was and wanted to teach her lessons so she could show empathy and make friends at school. Also when Scout had this conversation with Atticus in Chapter 31, page 281 “Atticus he was real nice” “Most people are once you finally see them” …show more content…

My real life examples of empathy are when other people have to go into my shoes and see why I view kids with intellectual developmental disabilities the way I do. I see them as real, smart, genuine people. People show empathy that doesn't understand what I see, they try to connect with me. The real-life example from me is when someone in their home life is having a hard time and they come to me just so I can listen and try to imaginatively enter their feelings that they are having and show that I care. Another example of empathy is if someone is having a baby, the excitement you feel for them even though you might not have had a baby

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