Personal Narrative: How Club Changed My Life

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I've always loved school. Being able to have interaction with other people my age was fun for me because I was the youngest person in my family and my only sibling was older than me by 17 years. This made school a very intriguing experience for me because I got to be around other kids. While I had a good life at home, with parents who loved me, I was still missing interaction with people closer to my age. Because of this, I always sought to find in my school community what I didn't get at home.
I found that there was just never enough time to socialize with my friends during the school day between classes. When I entered into high school, this problem seemed to get even bigger. With our weekends being full with sports, work and other activities, it was becoming increasingly difficult to meet up outside of school. That along with the fact that we were too young to drive and all had busy parents effectively ensured that our weekend plans usually never came to fruition. This posed a problem to me so I sought out a solution.
I stood there thinking of something that could bring us all together during school and it hit me- a club! But what kind of club? What would be its purpose? I thought back to my childhood, thinking of all the games …show more content…

The next step was to find a moderator. After asking around and pitching our idea to a few people, we came across an English teacher who was very in tune with the idea we were presenting and agreed to be our moderator. Togetherness Club, as the name implies, was started to promote a feeling of togetherness in our school community. I've made so many meaningful relationships through this club, many of which I probably wouldn't have made if I didn't start it in the first place. It gave me a better understanding of the people in my school community and even a better understanding of

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