My Journey Of Education: My Educational Journey In My Life

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“How Life Changes by every minute My educational journey has been like a roller coaster. I have been in the worst spot of my life time. Where I hate going to school but, also think about my father education. My career goal is one of my most important in my life to better myself than I am today tomorrow I will better than yesterdays. My education began in fifth grade, my parents moved from one location to another. It wasn’t easy for me, because school was the first place I ever got to interact with other kids. Before school started, I was pretty much kept indoors and not allowed to have contact with other people, except for my family members. In six grade, I had to interact with other kids. I slowly learned that I could talk to them, by the middle of the year. The learning in that class in the middle of the school year wasn’t the greatest. I learned a lot and grew a lot during that year, from being scared in the beginning of having friends in the end of the year. I had a great teacher named Mrs. Sandoval who really gave me the help I needed. In Seventh grade it was a whole different story. I had different teachers who weren’t very good and also did played favoritism. Most of the time I took time off to relocate …show more content…

A fixed mindset is a person with different mindset that care about other things than school. Sometimes students are fixed mindset tempted to do some learning, but at the end attended to do the same as before. Also worry about how much different they are from other students. Growth mindsets believe that intelligence is a potential that can be realized through learning. Students are ready for the challenges they receive. The confidence of a growing student has its untouchable willing to learn more and

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