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We as educators and parents want our children to grow up to be the best that they can be. Are we helping them when we tell that they are doing a good job on something or are we hurting them? Some research has shown that praising a child with words like “Good Job” or “Way to Go” is not helping them build their self-esteem or grow as individuals. We need to do more to help them grow as individuals and learners. According to Alfie Kohn (2001) “praise is a verbal reward” (p. 1). He states in his article “Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job” that praise is also controlling (Kohn, 2001) Have you ever been at a restaurant or out to local grocery store (or even said to your own kids) and hear if you will be good I will buy you a treat. Controlling? Yes controlling, but in the classroom do we use the same type of praise to get our students to do the same thing?
That question had me curious, which lead me to these questions: Is there a right or wrong way to praise? Does the way you praise a child make a difference? One of my personal goals as a third grade teacher is to help each one of the children leave my classroom knowing that they are special in their own unique way and that they have the power to conquer whatever obstacles the world throws at them. With that in mind, I use praise on a daily basis. I thought that what I was saying was helping the children, not just trying to control them. I thought the children needed to hear that from me. According to Alfie Kohn (2001) when you praise a child with “good job” you are telling the child how to feel not allowing them to make the decision for themselves. They become more reliant on you versus them internally making the decision for themselves. Think ...
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...g kind of praise creates self-defeating behavior. The right kind motivates students to learn. This leads us to two kinds of mindsets that students can have that effect the way that they look at learning and growing: fixed mindset and growth mindset.
What is a Fixed Mindset
Fixed mindset is exactly what the phrase says: the person is fixed, doesn’t change, doesn’t grow, they are stuck. A student with a fixed mindset is concerned about how smart they are. They are worried about the final product or the grade. They view effort for someone who is incapable. They are more concerned about how they are going to be judged and may even lie about scores when they are not up to par (Briceno). In one of Carol S. Dweck (2006) studies, she found that by praising children with “You are so smart”, in the end, made them dumber and act dumber but claim they were smarter.
It was not until I read Carol S. Dweck’s “Brainology” that I realized I had a fixed mindset. I care more about getting a 4.0 than actually understanding what I am being taught and I also hate struggling. These habits are part of having a fixed mindset. It was after reading this article that I discovered I could change my mindset and be successful. Having a fixed mindset means that you believe that you and others only have a certain amount of intelligence. A growth mindset on the other hand, is believing that everyone has the ability to reach a higher level of intelligence through effort and hardwork.
While reading this book I found out that under certain circumstances I am a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset. One, very identifiable, area I have a fixed mindset in, is the math content area. When ever I think about being forced to learn or teach math, I completely shut down. I feel I’ve become this way because for years I’ve heard that I need more work in that area, and that I have a hard time understanding it. So I feel I’ve lost any drive to concur it when I’ve already felt defeated by it. Which after reading this book I have realized this mentality could easily transfer to my students because that is one thing I have learned again and again from this book it is that one fixed mid set can have an immediate impact on the mind set of those people who are interacting with the person.
These students come in with a fixed mindset in what it will be a class about just reading and writing on boring topics and that they will neither understand the readings or develop a well-written paper. Yet, there are those that see it as a way of being introduced to new material and hearing the different point of views from peers and instructor. What can harness the development of a growth mindset in a class? Well for starters we can start Dweck recommends taking careful consideration of the words given to the students (p.4). Dweck also says to not to praise their intelligence but the effort of the student. For instance, by replacing the word “fail” to “learn” it can have two different outcomes. It can be used in a term as if falling short on a goal; it is not that they “fail” but they “learn” from what kept them from reaching that goal. It would also be beneficial for students to reflect on the task on hand and verbally express their own
In the Brainology article, professor Carol Dweck put forward two mindsets: fixed mindset and growth mindset. That is an educational project that was instituted by Carol Dweck and made her famous for. That is talking about transforming student’s motivation to learn found out that people have fixed mindset or growth mindset all have profound effects on their motivation, learning and school achievement. From this article, this is particularly designed to help students break all boundaries and limits set by negative learning perspectives, while also instilling self-confidence is fixed, that each person has a certain amount and we call this a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset makes challenges threatening for students, and it makes mistakes and failures
As Dweck explains, children who are praised for their intelligence does not want to learn hence develop a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset is where people believe that their qualities such as talent and intelligence are essentially fixed traits. Such people would only concentrate on documenting their intelligence instead of looking for ways for developing the same. In addition, these people make the assumption that their intelligence would make them successful. On the other hand, a growth mindset is where people are aware that it is possible to develop their abilities through hard work and dedication. When I was in Grade 7, a teacher encouraged all students that they all had the ability to perform well in science. After the initial interaction, the teacher was aware that a certain percentage of the class performed way below average; yet, he did not water down their spirit. I remember the way he used to acknowledge even some insignificant improvement made in his tests by comments such as “You are making good progress so far”. Primarily, this teacher focused on the perseverance, strategies, and efforts the students put towards improvement as opposed to praising talent (Dweck 5). The result was that we changed our attitude and focused more on self-improvement.
There are many attitudes that form certain mindsets. Some of these mindsets can change how a person does and perceives things. Some mindsets that can do just that are Dweck’s example of a growth mindset and fixed mindsets. According to Dweck, a fixed mindset is one in where “.. students believe that intelligence is fixed..” and a fixed mindset is the “..believe that intelligence is a potential that can be realized through learning. As a result, confronting challenges, profiting from mistakes, and persevering in the face of setbacks become ways of getting smarter. Because people with growth mindsets can through setbacks, and find alternatives to better themselves; They turn to perseverance and hard work to achieve their goals.
There are two mindsets growth or fixed. She argues that there is only two mindsets growth or fixed, I agree because these two mindsets are the most common ones in students. This takes me back to Dweck, Carol S. “Brainology”: Transforming Students’ Motivation to Learn. In this article students with growth mindsets cares more about their education rather than how they look. Students with fixed mindsets cared about how smart they will appear and they would reject learning opportunities because they thought intelligence would have to come naturally to them. I agree with what she says, there are only two mindsets. The reason I agree is because I was both mindsets, well now I’m only one. But before I was a fixed mindset and what I mean by that is sometimes I would feel dumb and I wouldn’t even care anymore about my studies. Till I noticed that the way I was going wasn’t going to
Giving praise to our children comes naturally; most of us have done it hundreds of times without even thinking about it. The phrases: “you’re so smart” or, “wow you did a great job” just roll off our tongue. After all who doesn’t like to receive recognition for a job well done? But by praising children, are we setting them up for failure? Telling our kids they are smart does not keep them from underperforming, but instead might be causing it. B.F. Skinner’s work in operant conditioning showed us the process in which behavior can be manipulated (Wood, et al, 2008, p. 155), but Skinner didn’t take into account the long term effects of such manipulation. Are we conditioning children to seek dopamine in the form of praise, just as Pavlov taught a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell (Wood, et al, 2008, p. 146)?
Have you ever thought about yourself if you are in the fixed or a growth mindset? A fixed mindset person is someone who overcomes obstacles, works hard, and failure does not stop them. On the other hand a person who is in the fixed mindset is someone who is non challenge, gives up, or thinks that success is abuse. In a book called “Mindset The New Psychology of Success” the author Carol S. Dweck talks about different ways we can convert ourselves from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and the author also talks about the qualities of the growth and fixed mindsets. In a movie“Freedom Writers” the author Erin Gruwell shows us how she was a growth minded teacher but her students were in the fixed minded group. Throughout the school year the students had a fixed mindset but as time went by the students somehow their mindsets into the growth mindset. Freedom writers illustrates the fixed mindsets of the teacher and students and a growth minded teacher who changed everything.
This means students with a fixed mindset hold an implicit belief that a person is born smart or dumb and stay that for whole life. That can lead to cancellation in the face of difficulty. For example, students who have a fixed mindset thinks “I can not get good grades for English 151rw, because I 'm not good at reading and writing ”, then the fixed mindset prevents the student 's motivation from learn, practice, and develop the skills in this
“The Perils of Promise and Praise,” written by Carol Dweck was on the subject of how the right and wrong type of praise can affect children and their motivation to learn. Dweck is a psychologist who specifically studies how our mindset affects our behavior. She writes about how some students believe that their intellect is a fixed trait, whereas others believe it is developed over time. She says when kids are focused on improving their intellect, they do not fear how they will look to others. When you praise a child for being smart, they can believe that to be a natural trait that they cannot improve. This way of thinking can lead to the child having a fixed mindset. Intelligence can always be improved. Dweck says when students have a fixed
The reward system is a beneficial behavioral modification teaching method, which promotes more positive behaviors in the classroom (Charles & Barr, 2014). Many teachers generally use the reward method of praise within their classrooms for a variety of reasons. The first advantage of using praise within the classroom is because it encourages students do repeat positive behaviors in the classroom. Many children are simply looking for attention and enjoy it, which makes it a great technique to use in the classroom (Charles & Barr, 2014). Another advantage for this reward type is that due to the encouragement, the students are able to perform at a better rate; students excel academically. A final advantage to using praise is that it is easily implemented into the classroom and requires little to no preparation. This makes the reward method a great addition for teachers as well as students because students get instant feedback without
A mindset somewhat defines each and every one of us. It is basically how we view everything around us, and it affects our lives in so many ways! But there are actually two different types of mindsets which are a fixed and a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is the idea that each person has a certain amount of intelligence, while a growth mindset is the belief that intelligence is a potential that can be expanded. A growth mindset is genuinely the desired mindset because a person with a fixed mindset will probably not realize what they are truly capable of. For example, someone with a fixed mindset will feel threatened when challenged and mistakes would degrade their morale, but a person with a growth mindset would view challenges as exciting
I do not believe, however, in using rewards like stickers or stars, A’s or praise. To quote Alphie Kohn, "When rewards stop, people usually return to the way they acted before." I want my students to be intrinsically motivated and giving out rewards inhibits intrinsic motivation. I want my students to know it is okay to make mistakes and take risks in the classroom. I want to encourage my students by telling them specific feedback on an assignment rather than a star and a "good job." I don’t want them to become dependent on my praise. I want them to be successful learners.
A fixed mindset is a person with different mindset that care about other things than school. Sometimes students are fixed mindset tempted to do some learning, but at the end attended to do the same as before. Also worry about how much different they are from other students. Growth mindsets believe that intelligence is a potential that can be realized through learning. Students are ready for the challenges they receive. The confidence of a growing student has its untouchable willing to learn more and