Personal Narrative: How Cell Phones Changed My Life

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What invention has impacted you the most? The invention of the cell phone has impacted me in many ways. It has made a lot of things more convenient, changed the way I interact with people, and changed the way I connect to the world. For me cell phones have made a lot of things more convenient. When I didn't have a phone it was harder to contact my parents when I needed to. Now, whenever I'm somewhere I can just take out my phone and call them. Cell phones are also convenient for me because I use it everyday for many things. For example, I can use it for an alarm, music and to remind me of certain things, which is easier with a phone. Cell phones have also changed the way I interact with people. When I didn't have a phone I would, I would usually go hang out with my friends. Now, I just text or FaceTime them. When I was younger and I was out, I would interact with people. Now that I have a phone I usually find myself on my phone more than I was interacting with others. …show more content…

When I didn't have a phone I couldn't really connect to people. Now, I can connect to people all over the world via social media and many other ways. It used to be hard to keep up with everything happening around the world. Now, I can just pull out my phone and get the latest news that easily. Cell phones have changed my connectivity with the with the world. The invention of the cell phone has changed me and my life I'm many ways. Some positive and others not. It has made a lot of things more convenient for me, changed the way I interact with people, and changed the way I connect to the

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