Personal Narrative Essay: The Life Of A Military Daughter

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THE LIFE OF A MILITARY DAUGHTER 2/3 The Life Of A Military Daughter I was born into an average family, I had my mom and my dad. I was a happy child who always loved to laugh and I was silly too. I went to school like all the other kids and had good grades. The only thing that separated me from all the other kids was the fact that my dad was in the army. I am the daughter of a soldier who has fought in Iraq. Being in a military family isn’t very easy. I rarely saw my dad because he was always out of the country. We were constantly moving so I had little time to actually make friends and when I did make friends it was hard to keep the friendships. I think the only good thing about being a part of this crazy life was that I had more discipline, I was stronger and more mature then most kids in my age. The one thing I never took for granted was seeing my dad. He was always on the go and sometimes he would be gone for a month and only come home one day. I was very young so I don’t …show more content…

If my dad got stationed somewhere else we had to move with him. I would move to one place, make friend and the next thing I knew we were moving to another place again. When I was six years old we moved from Germany to Florida. I was just about to go to first grade with my pre-k class but since we moved I couldn’t. I barely knew any English so in first grade It was harder for me to speak to my classmates. Things were hard in the beginning but after a while they did get better. I can’t complain too much about always moving because I was meeting new people and I do still speak to most of the people I have

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