Personal Essay On The Marine Corps

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When I joined the United States Marine Corps, I knew it would change my life, but I never realized how great those changes would be. I was trained in public affairs as a print and broadcast journalist, and immediately stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Drastic life changes can take a toll both physically and emotionally over time, and it is always important to have a great personal support system to thrive through those times. My senior advisor at the time, Master Gunnery Sgt. (Master Guns) Charles Albrecht, turned out to be one of the best supporters I could ever ask for. After doing so much intense physical training and martial arts courses for the Marine Corps, I developed a hip injury that my doctors couldn’t quite diagnose. I wasn’t allowed to run, jump or participate in regular training or deployments. Again and again, my doctors tried a variety of treatments - physical therapy, steroid injections and just waiting to see if it would heal. Nothing was seeming to work, and it raised questions for me and my supervisor. In the military, it is a vital part of your boss’s job to make sure that you are in top physical shape, which was one of the main reasons that Master Guns made sure I was getting the care I needed, but there were many times we would sit in his office and just discuss the frustrations I was …show more content…

Soon after that, I had a much needed surgery to fix my hip injury. It was a long road to recovery with more physical therapy, but finally I knew I was on the right path thanks to the endless support from Master Guns. I received his encouragement to find new things that would help my hip and allow me to maintain my weight. I could swim. I could ride a bike. I could begin to enjoy lessened pain and lessened anxiety, while still working hard at my unit’s web management. I was starting to feel like a whole Marine again, despite the year-long rollercoaster I finally found a way off

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