Personal Narrative Essay: The Air Conditioner

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Friday On February 23, 2018 at 9:30 am my fellow council members and I boarded a yellow cheese wagon to travel to Rock Eagle 4-H center in Eatonton, Georgia to attend GASC (Georgia Association of Student Councils). At 2:00 we arrive and get our cabin situations sorted out. This task was not as hectic as I was expecting and to my surprise the cabins were significantly nicer than I thought they would be, the Air Conditioner even went down to 60 degrees. About 45 minutes later we get around to going to where we are supposed be which is the senior pavilion. Setup there was a Harry Potter themed festival called Diagon Alley. One of the things I did there was paint the wand that I felt spoke to me. After this we eat dinner and while eating …show more content…

I get up and go through my morning routine. Breakfast is at 7:30 and I get there at that time. I sit down with some friends and we conversate about the previous day and how hard the toast is on our trays when… BANG! She walks in. At this time I started decisively creating a plan in my head on how and when to approach her. I decided that I was gonna wait til she put up her tray and go put mine up at the same time. This time I wasn’t letting her leaving the building without me having her snapchat. What do ya know my plan worked perfectly I had her snapchat and then I went back to my table feeling like the man. We then go to the next general session and have an advisor session back at our cabin. Then was time for workshop number 1 of the day where we learn how to be better versions of ourselves. Throughout the day during workshops one and two I look to see if she got the same ones as me but unfortunately she didn’t. Next was lunch where I was actually given a decent amount of food for the first time on the whole trip. I looked on my phone at the schedule to see what was next after I finished my food to see what was next. To my delight we had creature crew time next which was the only group I had this nameless girl in so far. We talk some and I find out that her name is Katelyn but people call her Kate. During this time we did the activities that were planned and conversated here and there. By this point in the day it had been great and next we go back to the auditorium for a general session. After this we go back to our cabins for an hour to freshen up then go to supper and back to the auditorium for another general session and a glow stick ceremony. Finally, the thing I had been waiting for all day. The dance is in the senior pavilion and they have a DJ setup and everything there. I start dancing and having the time of my life. About twenty minutes into the dance I make eye contact with Kate. I dance my way

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