Personal Narrative: My Father's Coming To America

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Few years ago my dad told me story of how he came to America and that he wished that he could go back and see his family that he didn't see for about 10 to 12 years. In my mind, I hope his wish could come true and that he could be the luckiest. But for now we stay we remain. My mom comes back from work all worned out to find money to send to her uncle back home at Africa. She always come home complaining on how hard the job is and she wish to quit but can't because she can't find another job that gives out good money. She asked on what we were talking about and told her. That's when she joined us and we all talked. Then… I found myself landing on this place that I would call home but wasn't feeling right for me. It was a place where you could I was kind of confuse with everybody, but my uncle David said once you settle in with everything and everyone you’ll see and I kept this in thoughts. My uncle Hilmi was driving my mom, brothers, and I to my uncle Isaac house since his house was like an American looking house. When we were driving my my mom didn't like the drive because dust was coming all over her face but I was enjoying the ride because this is what I can call life. He wasn't talking to us, but I had a feeling that, that would change, but I kept silent and let my mom do all the talking and me resting after that big trip overseas. We had arrived to this house with a gate and a door in the middle was a garden, I thought it was a little neat and cool but I couldn't wait to get in that bad. In Sudan the temperatures goes over 100 degrees so that night was that night where around 7 the weather was maybe 115 degrees, so my uncle put my brothers, mom, and I in this room with air conditioner, while my dad was adapting to the weather and sleep inside. As soon they had told us this were our beds I jumped in and had to share it with my mom, so my mom had to move my body because I was fast asleep and didn't feel like Then I heard is sound in the kitchen and it was my new aunt. She had just married my uncle Isaac. Then next to her was my cousin, Mono, and my other cousin, Sawakin. I had remembered that Mono runned up to my arms like I was her mother that just came back from the military, which really made me feel at home, and Sawakin looking for her. It was so funny which made my afternoon. They were sitting down make tea. My aunt Enhum, my new aunt, told me ”sabah alkhyr”, which meant good morning and I nod back because I was shy and my uncle walked up and said,”Did you understand what she said” and I told him”Good Morning”, he said”Good, so you understand Arabic but you just don't speak it,” and I nodded. Then told my cousin, Sawakin I needed water and she looked at like she didn't speak English, so I said water in her language and she said ohh waTer and I looked at her stupid because that is what I said the first time. And my mom woked up and heard everything and when I make that look she knows what that mean. So she had told me we in America say water, while they say waTer, meaning they put more focus on the T that we do. And my mom had explained it to my cousin and aunt. Then we had this awkward moment and I had try to make a conservation with her but that didn't work, so my aunt told us two to go to the store and buy certain things and explore how Sudan is. I understood what they

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