Personal Narrative: Bullied In High School

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I used to be the child who was bullied in school. That’s a very well-known topic today now in our generation. I was just in 2nd grade. Never did I think it would get to where the circumstances got to. I was just a young little girl who wouldn’t listen to what was being said. I was just in the stage where I was always quite in class never spoke with anyone, but also never answered a question in class. I didn’t have many friends, my interest for them has never been huge. I’m just someone who goes about my days. This all started one day when we were outside for recess. I usually just brought out a notebook and sat down on the floor and brainstormed ideas. I never considered myself a smart person, but then there was this one girl who always made everyone’s life impossible. …show more content…

Better yet, it being my birthday and me having a horrible heart breaking day. I just wanted to enjoy my birthday, but also have an amazing time later on. I was just very hurt because the whole week it was just nonstop insults. She just picked on someone for a while till she got frustrated of it. The last time she picked on me she wished she never did. I was walking towards school and she then was getting dropped off. She then said “Cry baby how was your birthday?” I had enough of the insults and mistreating’s. I grabbed her and began to fight her, but better yet I ended up taking her hair off her head. I then began to rip her shirt then she started crying because I now didn’t take it anymore. I was at the extends where I was frustrated with it. I learned to never let anyone bully you once. I should of put a stop to it since day one. I was young, so I didn’t know what was right or wrong. Like I stated before I was just the child who kept quite in class. I also learned that violence was not the answer because I was kicked out of the school. My experience with this showed me that words are better than physical hand

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