Sticks and stones may break my bones but words feel more like daggers. This simply says that mere name-calling does give rise to a cause of action. It is not necessary to be physically harmed in order to suffer lasting harm. Bullying is usually the intimidation, the process of intimidating or mistreating someone weaker or in a more vulnerable state. This could be teasing or taunting a class mate because they are in some way different. But what happens when our school yard bully becomes our Facebook harasser? This is definitely nothing new to society but thanks to the internet, instant messaging programs, E-mails, text messaging and social networks teens are now being bullied online. Some may feel that bullying is a part of growing up, they may assume that it builds character but in many cases this form of harassment has become a huge problem and the results have become fatal. The experience of being bullied can cause lasting damages to an individual. Victims of cyber bullying may endure and experience long-term emotional damage, anger, low self-esteem, depression, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.
Bullying is a form of abuse. It is a selfish and destructive act, those who organize bullying denote others for the thrill of aggression and dominance. Mark Dombeck, PH.D, writes in his article, The Long term effects of Bullying that “Narcissists treat other people as though they were objects either to be used, or discarded, and the bully both uses his victim for purposes of self-gratification and aggrandizement and then discards him”. Aggrandizement is the expansion of power. Making something or someone appear greater or more intense. David Frattare states that “Kids feel more powerful when they do not come face to face with the ...
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...ools. New York: NY, 2011.
• Giant, Nikki. E-safety for The i-generation. [electronic source] London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2013.
• Ybarra M.L, Mitchell K.J., Wolak, Finkelhor D. Examining Characteristics and associated distress related to internet harassment: Findings from the second youth internet safety survey. 2006
• Newman, Valerie Teens and Bullying. 26, August 2010
• Seanman, Andrew M. Bullying amongst kids tied to suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts. The Baltimore Sun. 10, March 2010
• Bowie, Liz Facebook and Md. Schools partner to combat bullying. The Baltimore Sun. 3, October 2010
• O’Connor, Christi Fight Cyber Bullying in Maryland. San Francisco. 12, March 2013
• Dombeck PhD., Mark The Long Term effects of Bullying.
• Welch, William. Slanglin, Doug Two Girls are arrested on bullying charges after suicide. USA Today. 16, October 2013
Suicide due to bullying has been given the name of bullycide. One example of bullycide would be Jon Carmichael from Texas who was bullied so harshly that “one day they stripped him naked, tied him up, and stuck him in a trash can, and they taped it with their cell phones and put it all on You Tube” per his mother’s account (Texas Monthly, Hollandsworth). A few days later Jon was found hanging by a rafter from their barn after committing suicide. The perpetrators of this abuse were his fellow classmates and it is reported that “60% of boys who bullied others in middle school had at least one criminal conviction by the age of 24; 40% had three or more convictions” (van der Valk, 41). Bullying behavior not only negatively affects the victims that are singled out and tormented, but from a legal perspective can lead to long term criminal
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King Jr. knew it was better to speak up than to stay quiet. This is a lesson that needs to be taught throughout both middle schools and high schools. All around the world, suicide rates are going up, and most of these cases relate back to bullying. The children often do not say anything because they are afraid the bullying will only get worse. When nothing changes, they are driven to suicide to relieve the pain that they are feeling. As Marge Piercy examines in “Barbie Doll,” students are picked on for being or looking different than others. No matter what type of bullying it may be, it hurts people more than they are willing to let on. All forms of bullying, whether it be in schools, physical, verbal, or online, have an impact on teen suicide ideation.
A bully is someone who picks on other people, because they think it is the way to solve their problems. There are many types of bullying, there is physical, verbal, and mental. Children that are ages five through eleven began using verbal abuse and some even use physical abuse (Garrett 33). People estimated that one hundred and sixty thousand students miss school every day, and twenty-eight million missed school days per year, due to fear of being bullied (Garrett 36). Six million boys and four million girls are involved in fights from being bullied or bullying others (Garrett 33). Also, there is an estimate that over five hundred and twenty-five thousand people are bullies in America (Garrett 35). “Freshman, particularly are the victims of bullies in high school, especially if they are small and smart” (Garrett 31-32). Many people are bullied because of the way they look, or the way they act.“ Children from violent homes are three or four times more likely to become a bully” (Garrett 30). Some bullies may make fun of people because they were made fun of, beaten, or unwanted as they grew up. Most children become bullies to gain power (Verial). Bullies do what they do so they “feel competent, successful, to control someone else, to get some relief from their own feelings of powerlessness” (Garrett 72).When children grow up they may become bullies, because of the abusive environment they were raised in by their parents.
Bullying is the leading cause of suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of deaths among young people. Bullying results in about 4,400 deaths per year (“Bullying and Suicide”). Bullying someone doesn’t just have to be making fun of the person. There is all different kind of bullying, there is cyber bullying, physical bullying, emotional bullying, etc. 43% of kids have been bullied online that has led to suicide (“11 Facts about Suicide”). So many people are being bullied, but do not want to say anything thing or tell anyone, but they need to get help. Some people do not think what they say to others is hurting or damaging, but to others it can be destroying them and making them feel like suicide will end the hurt that being bullied constantly is causing. A few words can either make or break a person, even if they say they are okay. “In 70% of all teen suicides, another teen knew about it and did nothing” (Portner). Emotinal...
The three important components to bullying are as followed; bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions, bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time, and bullying involves an imbalance of power and strength (Olweus1). At one point in time, bullying had meant a push on the playground, or a mean slur, however bullying has progressed from then. Bullying can be described as the systematic abuse of power (Smith3). Kids take it upon themselves to hurt, and bring down others, which is not justification whatsoever. It is hurtful, and spiteful. Regardless of your personal feelings about someone, ...
Everyone has been bullied or encountered someone being bullied at some point of their life. Whether it would be physically or verbally both can be exceedingly traumatizing and can have a long-term psychological influence on children’s development. Majority people may define bullying in a more physical term; nevertheless that’s not always the case. The act of bullying can occur in several ways and in reality affect the individual in the same way. Bullying is generally defined as repeated, negative, and harmful actions focused at target throughout a course of time, exhibiting a sense of power difference between the bully and the victim (Olweus, 1993; Limber & Mihalic, 1999 as cited from Douglas J. Boyle, 2005). A survey was conducted in the United States estimating that over six million children, about 30% in grade six through ten have experienced frequent bullying in a school environment (Nansel, 2001 as cited from Douglas J. Boyle, 2005). Many people might debate that bullying is something that every child goes through and is simply a part of growing up, although there are several damaging consequences that happens to the child’s brain. Bullying causes the child to feel upset, isolated, frightened, anxious, and depressed. They feel like they reason they are being picked on is because there is something wrong with them and may even lose their confidence feel unsafe going to school (Frenette, 2013 as cited from Douglas J. Boyle, 2005) Anthropologically, sociologically, or psychologically, bullying can be analyzed through different perspectives and several questions can be asked based on the topic:
Bullying by definition is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions. [Why] Bullying has grown new outlets over the last decade. With social media outlets and text messaging added to the game, bullying is not just about getting tormented face to face anymore. Cyber bullying can include sending out mean or threatening emails and instant messages about a person, spreading rumors about someone and also include photos that a person would consider to be humiliating. [Chamberlin] Bullying can have many outlets. The most common form of bullying is still face to face confrontation. But the other outlets, such as cyber bullying are definitely not something to take lightly or consider low on a scale of importance. Sexual harassment, racial differences, not being “cool enough”, or just simply being viewed as a weaker individual may attribute to many of the reasons a person is preyed on.
Source 2: Hinduja, S.& Patchin, J. W. Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Suicide. Archives of Suicide Research (14), 2010:206-221.
Neimen, Samantha, Brandon Robers, and Simon Robers. “Bullying: A State of Affairs.” Journal of Law & Education (n.d.):n. pag. Print.
Bullying has been a part of schooling for as long as children have been congregating. To some it seems like a natural, though uncomfortable, part of life and school experience, while to others it can mean terrifying experiences which spoiled and characterized otherwise happy years in school. Dan Olweus, a pioneer in bully behavior research documented that 2.7 million children are affected as victims, and that 2.1 children act as bullies (Fried, 1997, as cited in Aluedse, 2006). With bullying cited as the reason for violent, gun-related crime in the past few years, school districts as well as national governments have put anti-bullying policies in place. Bullying is a complicated phenomenon, involving more than one child demanding lunch money from a smaller child. It is a worldwide epidemic hitting schools everywhere. Virtually everyone has seen or experienced bullying. With technological advances, bullying is even hitting the internet. Parents, teachers, students and governments agencies alike are attempting to put a stop to bullying practices.
Bullying is a form of violence, a way to gain the power to repress the weak.
Coy, D. (2001). Bullying. Greensboro, NC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Student Services. (ERIC Document Reproductive Service No. ED459405)
Bullying is an issue that is a problem in society today. Bullying is any kind of unwanted behavior to an individual on repeated occasions which is a display of power over someone. Bullying is mainly common among students in school, and unfortunately, it happens in other places like at home between parents and children, and on rare occasions, among adults. When people began to identify bullying for what it is, it was only known as a physical aggression towards others, but over the course of time, bullying has moved from just physical bullying to verbal bullying, and power abuse in the workplace between co-workers in different ranks. In a book called Welfare Brat: A Memoir, Mary was bullied in school by boys on the streets, and unfortunately, she was verbally bullied by her mom. Bullying among children in the society is caused by different reasons, and affects its victims negatively.
Bullying is defined as the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively to impose domination over others and is often repeated and habitual. Bullying is something that can manifest in all kinds of places whether it be at home, school, or in the community. There are different ways that bullying can manifest at home. For example, we often hear of fathers trying to “toughen up” their sons up and make them into a man, when in reality, they are bullying their children to make them tough. Parents often allow their sons to be aggressive and rough and find it appropriate for them to physically hurt other people. They often say “boys will be boys” as if that behavior is normal and okay. Well, it is not normal or appropriate behavior, that kind of behavior is only teaching them to be aggressive in society and to bully other people. This type ...
Bullying of students in school is an abuse that affects and produces a number of negative experiences on the victim. It is proven that those students who bully do so merely because they see themselves superior than those being bullied. They use this as a tactic to make juniors fear them and show them that they are not equal in any way. Some will even bully as a revenge of the bullying they suffered in the past. I have been bullied before and I know some of the effects it could have on a person. Bullying is a serious cause of many issues and has effects that may be long lasting.