Personal Narrative: My Ethical Dilemmas In School

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Almost everyone goes through conflicts throughout their lives. Some people experience these conflicts when they are old and some come across their dilemmas when they are young. At a young age I had to choose what the right thing to do was. This choice I had to make has had a big impact on my life and others.
I had faced mine earliest ethical dilemma in the first grade. Most of the time I felt quite happy at school; I liked my teacher and had a lot of friends from different groups. But there was one thing I really didn’t like at all. Every day I saw the same boy in my class tease and bully the same girl during recess. The boy never bothered me, but was very careful to tease the girl where teachers couldn’t see it happen, or during times adult …show more content…

Sometimes he or someone else would try to stick up for the girl, but that only stopped the teasing that day. It would just begin again the next. And every day I struggled with the same thorny question of whether or not to tell on the bully.

I feared that if I went to a teacher it would get out that I was the one who tattled, and I didn’t want the boy to start bullying me instead. I also knew how most of the kids in my class felt about tattletales. There was a very strong code of silence around teasing and bullying. Yet, I hated to watch this poor girl brace herself every day when the recess bell rang.
I decided to talk to one of my best friends from church expecting her to have the right answer and encourage me to stand up for that girl. To my surprise, like everybody else at my school she told me to just ignore her. That night before I went to sleep I decided to read the Bible and see what Jesus had said about this. With a miracle performed by God I turned to the exact verse I needed to reinsure my notion. Proverbs 31:8 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. With this idea in my head I decided to sleep on it before I do something

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