Personal Narrative Analysis

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One of my most lucid memories of my childhood concluded to injury. Being that beginning of my plight, I faced many negative emotions. At the age that I was, thirteen to be specific, I believed that this was the lowest moment of my life. Or to go back: It was March 19th, 2011. Just like any normal day of the week, I was at the place where I spent 90% of my life. I was at gymnastics practice. Our practice had started at four o’clock in the afternoon and usually ended around eight o’clock if it was a good day. My team and I had been working consistently that day because our state competition was only two weeks away. We had been working so hard during practice that my coach decided to give us “free time”, which meant that we could practice new skills that were required for higher levels. For any gymnast to hear the two words “free time” is like waking up to a house filled with Christmas presents. Or so I thought. …show more content…

We only had a select few of skills because we were on one of my least favorite events, the balance beam. One of my teammates, Sophie, who I had been extremely close with during the year had thought of a skill for both of us to try. She chose a front tuck dismount. We ran to our favorite balance beams and began to mentally prepare how we would do it. A front tuck, being one of the easiest skills to do, I thought to myself just go for it. And if you don’t stick it, then do it again. Sophie had started doing it and landed it each time so I knew that I was going to land it

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