Personal Narrative-A Windy Day In Colorado

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It was a warm and windy day in Colorado to go river rafting in duckies. My dad and my brother both convinced me to go on a duckie rafting trip with them. Standing there wondering to myself how could they have ever convinced me to do this. There I was standing nervously at the launching area to go into a river in a small, flimsy, and an inflatable kayak into a windy rough river. Before we launched our instructor gave told us how to navigate and what to do if we fell out and lost our boat. She told us “If or when you fall out NEVER let your feet touch the bottom of the river because you will get swept under and it will become even harder to get back into your boat.” I was thinking how hard could it be? Just swim to your boat, grab the oar, and hop on. “The water right now will feel freezing because it’s about 50 degrees,” That made my heart sink, If I fell into the water my body would definitely turn into a snow cone. “Me and the other instructors will be watching to make sure that all of you are following the river path.” After that my mind was racing with fear, what if I fell out and couldn’t get back into my boat, what if I lose the group, or worse. My dad chimed …show more content…

Somehow me trying to push myself forward only ended up making me float even slower down to the second drop only 10 feet in front of me. The water was quickly falling down the miniature waterfall, and the water that was splashing up created a rainbow bridge over it making the drop seem happy and joyous. As my last final attempt to get over the fall without having a splash in the water was to try and hold onto my boat praying that I wouldn’t get cold and wet again. WHOOSH at that moment I already knew what happened because a surge of cold water hit my face, causing me to panic and thrash around to try and find my protective flimsy boat while struggling to get to the

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