Whitewater Essays

  • Rivers and Whitewater Rapids

    972 Words  | 2 Pages

    Rivers may cause floods, however, they also provide many benefits to society. One of the most notable is hydroelectric power, which often leads to a river being dammed. A dammed river creates a reliable location for adventure companies to establish whitewater rafting businesses that utilizes the flow of the river through rapids and scenic views to create a thrill for adventure seeking customers. A river or “stream, ribbons of water confined to channels, or troughs, cut into the land,” (Marshak, 2009)

  • The Whitewater Conspiracy

    2632 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Whitewater Conspiracy In today's society people often pay close attention to what happens in politics. They normally make voting decisions on character, past work, and partisan lines. When rumors of indiscretion or impropriety of a public official pops up, people often like to get involved. Like gossiping on the church's rumor grapevine, people love to get involved in conspiracies and scandals dealing with people of power. If you have watched television at all in the last ten years,

  • Personal Narrative: The Nantahala River

    2417 Words  | 5 Pages

    Water rushing, pushing, and pulling our raft down the river. The crystal clear liquid leaves nothing to the imagination as I eagerly peer over the edge of the boat, frantically searching the round stones for the mysterious Giant Salamander said to be native to these waters. I had recently watched a documentary show on these Giant Salamanders, and the researchers were overturning rocks and searching in crevices waist deep in these very waters. The Nantahala River, located near Bryson City North

  • Whitewater vs. Watergate

    2051 Words  | 5 Pages

    Whitewater vs. Watergate. Both are political sandals that have rocked the nation. As Watergate unraveled, many of Nixon's dirty tactics were learned, including assorted lists of enemies (a number of which became targets of IRS tax audits), wiretapping, political sabotage, burglary, blackballing, and smear campaigns. Similarly, as Whitewater unfolded, the scandal appeared to involve more than just an illegal loan. It touched on possible hush money paid to witnesses and includes the acquisition of

  • Free Narrative Essays - Canoeing

    730 Words  | 2 Pages

    Canoeing: A to Z We were practicing methods of paddling Ruth Elvedt discusses in her book,  Canoeing: A to Z.  We did the side stroke, which pulls the canoe sideways.  We did the back stroke, which makes the canoe reverse course. We also did the classic forward stroke to go forward.  We became quite proficient in the art of spinning the canoe around in circles from combining the methods Ms. Elvedt discusses in her book.  The numerous people who were floating close by

  • Dumped: A Short Story

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dumped It was August of the summer of 2016, I sat anxiously in the car. The kayaks rocking and their ropes snapping in the wind as we drove down to the river. We were up north on a short camping trip and my father heard about the rivers they had and we brought our kayaks to kayak down the rivers. My father and brother were to go first since we only had two kayaks. My mother and I watched them start off in the kayaks down the river and we drove off to entertain ourselves while they boated. An hour

  • JFK Assassination Report

    1324 Words  | 3 Pages

    As the three brothers were walking into the bus station they saw that it was full of people waiting to catch a ride. Eighteen-year-old Andrew, being the oldest, had the inflatable rubber raft on his back, while Ivan and Oscar, the sixteen-year-old twins, each had a backpack. Ivan’s backpack held their food and some beverages, while Oscar was carrying accessory equipment. Those accessories include items like the first aid kit, flashlight, patching kit for the raft, sunblock, waterproof matches, and

  • Personal Narrative: Life Is Better At The Lake

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    Life Is Better at the Lake When I was 8, my family took a trip to Alaska for two weeks to experience the breathtaking nature that Alaska has to offer--and I hated it! We went hiking through forests and by streams. My thoughts on this--boring! We went dog sledding on a glacier and 8 year old me thought: “It’s too cold!” We took a trip up a mountain to see moose, bears, and caribou, but again all I could think was “boring!” I didn’t want to see nature, I wanted to be on the cruise ship playing

  • Speech About Tubing

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    Today I will tell you the story of how I found that tubing is one of my worst fears. I was tubing with my mom, dad and my god sister. The ride was really pretty but we were only four feet from the huge drop, we stopped. But I was holding onto a extra tube and the current took it away so I went after it. I totally didn’t realize that I was heading towards danger! When I realized that I was heading for the drop it was too late! I tried to paddle on my tube back but the current was pulling

  • Personal Narrative: Duckies In Colorado

    1130 Words  | 3 Pages

    Duckies In Colorado It was a warm and windy day in Colorado to go river rafting in duckies. There I was standing nervously at the launching area to go into a river in a small, flimsy, and an inflatable kayak into a windy rough river with massive boulder right in front of me. Before we launched our instructor gave told us how to navigate and what to do if we fell out and lost our boat. She told us “If or when you fall out NEVER let your feet touch the bottom of the river because you will get swept

  • Personal Narrative-A Windy Day In Colorado

    1205 Words  | 3 Pages

    It was a warm and windy day in Colorado to go river rafting in duckies. My dad and my brother both convinced me to go on a duckie rafting trip with them. Standing there wondering to myself how could they have ever convinced me to do this. There I was standing nervously at the launching area to go into a river in a small, flimsy, and an inflatable kayak into a windy rough river. Before we launched our instructor gave told us how to navigate and what to do if we fell out and lost our boat. She told

  • Kayak Narrative

    582 Words  | 2 Pages

    It was spring break of 2012, and my family and I were spending the week at our vacation home in Leakey, Texas. As usual, one of the days we decided to go kayaking on the “Frio River” less than five minutes away from the house. We put comfortable clothing on and prepared the two kayaks and floating tubes in the back of the car, then we took off. When we arrived, one at a time, we carefully placed each bright orange kayak on the water. We brought our two dogs with us, so my miniature black Chihuahua

  • Whitewater Controversy Research Paper

    528 Words  | 2 Pages

    Whitewater Controversy Looking back throughout American history, scandals, especially in the White House, are very prevalent. The white The Whitewater controversy began with an investigation into real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, Jim and Susan McDougal. The Clinton family had made plans with the McDougals to buy land and turn it into the Whitewater Estates, a vacation destination. At this point Clinton was still governor but after losing his reelection bid

  • Personal Narrative: White Water Rafting

    635 Words  | 2 Pages

    Personal Narrative: White Water Rafting I remember a time in my life not too long ago when my family and I went white water rafting for the first time. We had been spending some of our summer vacation at a cabin in the Smokey Mountains, close to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The next day we would experience feelings of exhilarating excitement, with a sense of suspense and anticipation as we rafted down the Nantahala River. I recall in vivid detail the scenery around us as we embarked on our perilous

  • Personal Narrative: Wyoming River Trips

    1813 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine traveling in an eight seater SUV with your seven member family and all that luggage for twenty-five hours to the great state of Wyoming. The joy in that vehicle was through the roof, let me tell you. Everyone was all smiles and sunshine all the time! Not. These trips are always dreaded until we arrive at our destination and then once again when we have to leave and go home. My warm, fuzzy feelings for my family were not at an all-time high. On our first day in Cody, Wyoming, my parents decided

  • Independent Endeavors: My Journey to UW-Whitewater

    689 Words  | 2 Pages

    innovative approach will take a major role in enriching the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater community. UW-Whitewater’s challenging atmosphere and diverse educational paths attract my creative and venturesome spirit. I am open and committed to fulfilling challenges ahead of me. UW-Whitewater will help me achieve my full potential by pushing me to reach the accolades of a higher education. Graduating from UW-Whitewater will provide me with a valuable skill set to improve confidence when approaching

  • The Important Role Of Diversity In UW-Whitewater

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    Diversity Paper I believe that it is important to recognize that there is diversity not only in the world, but also here at UW-Whitewater. To me, an important part of diversity is acknowledging that everyone is a unique individual. Each person comes from his or her own background and are shaped by the experiences in his or her life. Differences can come in many forms whether athletic ability, cultural background, intelligence level, religious beliefs, or personality. It is essential to be aware

  • Extreme Sports

    939 Words  | 2 Pages

    Extreme Sports Works Cited Missing “Extreme sports have boomed since the early '90s” (Petrecca 16). It is hard to believe that such activities as sky diving, snowboarding, bungee jumping, and the up and coming razor scooter have been labeled as so-called “extreme sports”. What characteristics must a sport have to labeled extreme? Perhaps it is the lack of safety, or the inability to create specific rules for these sports. Maybe it is the fact that these sports are just recently becoming mainstream

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton

    2063 Words  | 5 Pages

    of law school, she... ... middle of paper ... ... from http://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?entryID=4061 Maraniss, D. (1996, June 02). Hillary Clinton and the whitewater controversy: A close-up . Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr960602.htm Owen, D. (2000). Popular politics and the clinton/lewinsky affair: The implications for leadership. Political Psychology, 21(01), 161-177. Retrieved from http://www.jstor

  • The Hunting of the President

    1453 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Hunting of the President presented an argument by Harry Thomason and Nickolas Perry that from 1990 to 2000 a group of people were committed to destroying the reputation of William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton. Through elaborate testimonials, the claim is that this group of well-funded individuals as well as media attempted to gain from Clinton’s alleged misfortunes. The film begins with a narration that took place approximately ten days before the 1992 presidential election, Andrew Cooper, a reporter