Personal Narrative: A Career In Fitness

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“What was last week’s weight?” I ask Joaquin, my training partner. “107.5 kilograms” he answers. “Ready to try 110?” “Yeah. We can do it” We load the bar. Each of us grabs a 20-kilogram plate and loads it on each of its ends. Then another one and finally one 5-kilogram plate on each side too. Four 20-kilogram plates, two 5-kilogram ones plus the weight of the bar, another 20 kilograms. It adds up to 110. “You go first” says Joaquin as he gestures towards the bar. I slide under it, placing it on my upper back. I grab the bar, firmly, with my elbows back. I inhale, arch my back, contract my core and take the bar from the rack. I take a few steps backwards and place my feet shoulder width apart, with my toes pointing slightly outwards. I then …show more content…

However, this resulted in no progress and I became frustrated, but I did not give up. Instead, I decided to educate myself on the topic of becoming fit, and did so with every resource I had at my disposal. I researched online and consulted fitness professionals in order to understand what would be the most efficient way to achieve my goal of becoming fit. Eventually, I joined a gym and fixed my diet. As I stuck to my workout program and carefully controlled my daily calorie and macronutrient intake, results came my way and I attained the best shape I had ever been. However, weightlifting did not only change me physically. Apart from finding a hobby in it and an outlet for stress, training with weights has also taught me several lessons. Weightlifting has shown me the importance of consistency and discipline; of setting realistic goals and working hard and with humility towards them; of being patient and perseverant, and most importantly it has greatly improved my self-confidence. Many times have I wanted to give up in the middle of a workout, but only by being disciplined and pushing myself to keep going have I discovered what it takes to overcome the challenges we undertake every day and to reach the goals we set for ourselves. Since then, I’ve applied this philosophy to every aspect of my life: work hard, persevere, stay consistent, be patient and you will find

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