Importance Of Weight Training Essay

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One of the greatest minds in history once said, “No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training… what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable”. The man who said this was not only a man of intellect, but a man of wisdom, knowledge, and philosophy, his name was Socrates. Many conclusions can be made from Socrates’s statement, but many questions are also brought to mind. The first and most important question, what actually is weight training and how is it defined? The second question, what is the importance and advantages of weight training? Finally, the last question is why should weight training matter to an individual? According to Socrates, …show more content…

Common misconception adheres to the idea that weight training is the action of becoming a body builder, with the purpose and intention of looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, or Yaxeni Oriquen. While these bodybuilders do perform high intensity weight training sessions, the actual action of weight training is not pre-defined to have the sole purpose of looking “huge” with large muscles. In reality, weight training is defined as physical training to develop strength, size of skeletal muscles, and improve one’s overall fitness; the condition of being physically fit and healthy. With this being said, one must than ask themselves how weight training specifically improves ones’ overall …show more content…

There are many subsequent health benefits of weight training in the aftermath of decreasing body fat, increasing lean muscle mass, strengthening bones, and exercising one’s heart. These health benefits also give rise to secondary advantages like reducing risk of acquiring diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, or even a stroke. More advantages of weight training include: improving cholesterol levels, increasing ones Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) or metabolism, getting better sleep, improving total body stamina, and even reducing likelihood of getting injured. All of these advantages consequently also effects the phycology of a person by giving them more confidence in themselves, which relieves stress, depression, and improves self-esteem. Ultimately, the secondary advantages of weight training are endless, but one of the most important health benefits the spawns from working-out has to be the possibility of increasing one’s own life span. Ergo, Socrates “Hit the nail on the head” when he said no citizen should have the right to be amateurs of physical training. After all, with all these health benefits it’s truly a shame if one doesn’t take advantage of their bodies full

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