Personal Journal: Words That Describe Me

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Upon writing this paper I felt uncomfortable. I thought “how do I write about myself?” I thought this because at this point in my education I have yet to do so. This really made me think about who I am. Physically I have red hair, I am big, and tall. Some groups I associate with are the Athletes, academics, and my family. I am interested in plenty of things such as politics and reading. My personality is described as happy, fun, intelligent, loving, and caring. I also have a few things I am passionate about like education, science, independence, and friends. I am also defined by my job where I would describe myself as working, progressive, and patient. So, twenty words to describe me are; red-headed, big, tall, athletic, academics, family, politics, strong, happy, fun, intelligent, loving, caring, education, science, independent, friends, working, progressive, and patient.
So that’s who I am. Although, some of these words are more important than others, the least important are red-headed, big, tall, strong, and athletic. It is hard to say what I would be like if my physical stature was different, maybe I would have a smaller personality or maybe I would have more confidence. If I were not athletic I do believe I would be a different person this is due to the relationships and the culture of participating in athletics, it is truly unlike any other experience in my life.
The next five words I would take away are science, education, intelligent, progressive, and politics. Science has had an impact on my life I have spent days of my life reading scientific material and it is something that has impacted me. I have lived my life differently due to ideas and theories in scientific and philosophical books. Also, education is a huge part of my life, coming from a family of educators I have always been taught the importance of education and lived my life accordingly. Next, I described myself as progressive. I am progressive because I like to stay ahead of life. I have gone out of my way at times to go the extra mile to get ahead, in turn affecting my life. Intelligence has given me the ability to be successful at this point in my life although I realize how little intelligence means. Finally, I am political. I must say having this trait has strained relationships at times.

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