Personal Essay: What Makes A Strong Tennis Player

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Tennis is a science. It can be brought down to 2 basic ideas: technique and repetition. These two factors will make you a strong tennis player and will allow you to hold your own in both doubles and singles matches. These two ideas can also be used to forge strong scientific experiments and ideas that other can work from. I started “playing” tennis in third grade when my mom signed me up for a tennis camp. We didn’t actually learn anything at this camp accept to hit the ball with the racket but I was fine with that because all I really wanted to do was hit the ball as hard as I could over the fence, which I did, many a time. I really started to notice science around the same time too. I remember my brother getting a chemistry kit that he used for school (we were …show more content…

Thankfully that coach left at the end of the year and was replaced by our current amazing coach, Eric. Eric helped me become an even stronger player and get into varsity my senior year. Freshmen year I took my least favorite science class biology. It was hard to understand and grasp the ideas that were presented. The next year I took chemistry which is by far one of my favorite class I have taken at school, right below physics. I remember as a kid that I always wanted to do chemistry because all those chemistry labs you see in cartoons just looked like fun. When I got to class I realized the my fantasy was far from the truth but I still very much enjoyed myself in that class. The next year (junior year) I had physics. I had heard that physics was hard and very mathy, but I tooks it anyway. I was behind in math in high school which I thought was a bad thing, but it turned out great. Physics actually helped me in my algebra 2 class because of it allowed to visualize in a physical way the concepts that were presented. The teacher for lphysics was also a fantastic teacher. He made the class very fun by mixing in funny life stories and videos into the

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