Personal Essay: Personal Learning Style

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Personal Essay
Anthony Hicks
I am writing this essay about learning styles. More notably I will write about my personal learning style. Also a quick idea of why I chose to go back to school to seek a degree. There are multiple learning styles out in the world audible, tactile, and visual. Audible learning style focuses on learning by listening and sound patterns. Visual learning focuses on learning by using pictures, drawings, shapes, paintings and sculptures. Tactile or kinesthetic learning style focuses on learning by a more hands on approach using gestures, touching, body movement, positioning and object manipulation. I am a tactile and visual learner and in the next paragraph I will discuss these findings.
I took the “Index of learning styles Quiz” (Felder & Soloman, n.d.) which showed me that based on the scales focused on in the quiz I am almost completely balanced between them all except between visual and verbal learners I tip the scale at eleven on the visual side which according to the explanation “If your score on a scale is 9-11, you have a very strong preferenc...

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