Personal Essay: Ethics in All Aspects of my Life

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I believe ethics is proliferate through the depth of honesty and presenting altruism towards others; these ethical principles distinguishes, who I am professionally and personally. The basic principles that I build my ethical standards on are honesty, honor, and justice. I present theses ethical standards in my day-to –day relationships in our society, and I facilitate these ethical standards in my professional relationships in the workplace. In my personal relationships, I am especially mindful to act on these ethical principles for infinitively they identify who I am truly. In my personal life, these ethical standards are based on codes of virtues or values. Honesty is one of most important basic ethical principles that I can process as a person. I believe that I am an honesty person, which is a direct correlation to my growing up in a Christian church. The church has influence me greatly and helped in shaping my values. Growing up in the church, I learned to be respectful and be truthful to others, but most importantly to have respect for you, in return these beliefs will transmitting love and respect to others. I can recall in bible study, one of my favorite structures was Colossians 3:9-10. The meaning of this passage is “Do not lie to anybody, since you laid aside the old self with its deprave practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the one who created God." God wanted his aficionado to be very honest and trustworthy in life. God understands that no one can be consistently honest without a commitment to the truth, and he is aware at times honesty will hurt somebody’s feelings, but it does not mean that dishonesty is preferable.

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...that continued training is needed to frontline healthcare professionals, public health officials, and educators. Our AIDS training professionals needs to continued workshops, national conferences, and institutes on many HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention topics to community leaders, Latino immigrants, and people living with AIDS. The AIDS crisis can only be resolved with awareness through organizing communities and at every level of society to have access to unlimited healthcare.
During the years I have dedicated myself to mobilizing AIDS groups and community leaders, and advocating at all levels of government. My AIDS activism has changed the course of AIDS within my community. People have told me that it has truly been an honor to have me as a voice for AIDS individuals and to empower people to take control of their health within my community.

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