Peg's Use Of Self-Discovery In Edward Scissorhands

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Edward Scissorhands is a fascinating story about a man created by Vincent Price, an inventor of amazing creations. A woman, Peg, finds Edward Scissorhands, while she looks for a customer for her makeup investment, alone in a dark and gloomy with uplifting topiary in the garden. Edward tells Peg that his father never woke up. Peg then takes Edward to her own home because she cannot bear the loneliness of Edward’s home. Edward then becomes famous around Peg’s neighborhood to being famous around town because of his outstanding scissorhands. Edward would make topiary for every neighbor, give them haircuts, and groom their pets. Before this, Peg’s daughter, Kim, finds Edward in her bed. Edward had seen pictures of Kim and she had instantly become of Edward’s interest. …show more content…

Edwards gets caught and every friend of his from the neighborhood turns on him. Edward Scissorhands has an overall mood of self-discovery for most of the characters. In the film, Burton uses close-up shots in order to convey an unusual tone towards Peg’s curiosity. For example, when Peg goes to Edward’s house, she continues to walk into the house after seeing topiary in the garden. This achieves divergent tone because Peg being comfortable to walk into a dark home for a customer which contributes to the overall mood of self-discovery, because we discover what kind of person Peg is. Burton uses two shots in order to convey a sympathetic tone toward Edward and Kim’s relationship. For example, When Kim apologized to Edward for Jim’s behavior, after trapping Edward into Jim’s Father’s house to get him arrested, Kim was empathetic towards Edward because she knew how stubborn Jim was. This achieves a tender tone because we feel warmth as we see the compassion of Edward and Kim’s relationship which contributes to the overall mood of self-discovery, because Edward and Kim realise their feelings for each

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