Paul Renner

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Paul Renner was a painter, teacher, writer, and designer. Renner is most famous for his typeface, Futura. He also designed Plak, Futura Black, Licht, Futura Schlagzeile, Ballade, Renner Antiqua, and Steile Futura. Renner has also published several books on typography. These include “The Art of Typography”, and “Typography as Art”, which were used to set the guideline for sophisticated book design.
Paul Renner was born August 9, 1878 in Wernigerode, Germany. Renner studied architecture and painting. He worked as a painter in Munich, Germany. In 1907 he became Production Assistant and Presentation Manager for
George Muller Veslag. In 1925 he was head of commercial art and typography department at Frankfurter
Kunstschute. In 1926 he became …show more content…

He wanted high culture to be interested in objects as art.
Renner was close friends with another famous typographer named Jan Tschichold. Tschichold was the designer of the typefaces Transit, Saskia, and Zeus. They both became part of the ongoing ideological and artistic debates.
Paul Renner’s more notable work includes, typefaces Futura, Architype Renner, Renner Antiqua, and Ballade. He is most known for Futura.
Futura is a geometric sans-serif typeface. It was designed in 1927. Paul designed the typeface as a contribution to the New Franfurt project. It was based on geometric shapes that became represented of visual elements of the
Bauhaus design style. Futura was released commercially in 1936. Visually the typeface is very geometric and pre
cise. Today it is still one of the most common sans-serif types. In the 1950’s it was used by the publishing industries as a general purpose font. The font is also used in advertising and logos. In 1997 the Pittsburgh Steelers switched to Futura Condensed on their helmets. Futura Black was released in 1936. The design uses stencil letter forms. It is most commonly found in Boston safety department. It was also used for the title sequence of “The Love

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