Paternity Leave

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My father took paternity leave with my mother for all four of his children. As a result, Jade was valedictorian, Noah is very smart and social, and Beaux performs well academically, and I am extremely social. Many occupations do not allow paternity leave for new fathers. Also, most new fathers choose to not take time off. If fathers do not take paternity leave it puts stress upon the mother, and not taking time off does not benefit the new child at all whatsoever. The mother just birthed a child and is incredibly sleep deprived. Mom needs a little help! Paternity Leave gives many benefits to the child as well as the mother. In my opinion, paternity leave is a very important part of a child’s life, and is just as important and mandatory as maternity leave!
One reason to take paternity leave is so new fathers can enjoy the experience of …show more content…

Multiple studies show that most new fathers do not take paternity leave receive the treacherous feeling of regret, by not spending the quality time with their child as they should, and can consequently lead to depression. It causes these fathers to feel pain and shame for not taking the time to take time off. Also, spending quality time with your newborn can lead to an unbreakable bond between the parent and child. Another reason to take paternity leave is, it benefits mom too. It allows her, the mother, time to rest. Imagine that you are 25/26 years old, and your wife is with child. When she gives birth and has to take care of the child, wouldn’t you want to accompany her with the care of the new born baby, as well as take care of her also? New mothers typically report that are exhausted when caring for new infants because of being up constantly in the night to feed the baby and change their diaper. When the father takes leave, the mother has more time to sleep/rest, so she doesn’t feel

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