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When looking at the big scheme of things in the Special Education Community, it is imperative to have para educators assisting students with special needs to find their success in the classroom. As a Special Education teacher I am completely blessed with my para educators and know first-hand of all the multiple roles that they hold. Para educators can provide stability, confidence, and reassurance, as well as organization skills, assisting with off task behaviors, and assisting with managing disruptive behaviors. Although para educators are able to do many, many things, sometimes the role of the para educator is misconstrued. Many times teachers and other staff members need to be reminded that “It is the teacher’s responsibility, not the …show more content…

The paraeducator can be assigned by the teacher to review what was taught or to supervise activities in which students practice or apply what the teacher has taught, but the teacher is responsible for teaching content. The teacher, not the paraeducator, is responsible for instruction and management of students’ behavior. Yes, the paraeducator assists the teacher in carrying out lesson plans and behavior plans, but the teacher is responsible for the design of these plans.” (Van Oort, 1998, p. 3). Another thing to consider in special education is overserving students; giving a student with special needs services they no longer need. For instance, for the past 5 years Little Johnny has needed resource English and extended time on tests and large assignments as an accommodation, but this year Little Johnny’s district MAP test shows that he is performing at grade level and having no issues with writing in resource English. Also, he is not having any issues with keeping up on his assignments or test completion. This is where the supervising teacher and para educator communicate to assess the level of assistance in the classroom for Little Johnny. Both the accommodation of extended time and Resource English should be discontinued so Little Johnny isn’t being …show more content…

“The arts are vehicles for imaginative learning. As self-enablers, the arts involve students in exploring the life around them, past and present, and instructing and inventing the future.” (Fowler. 1994, p.9) With this said, one of the most influential arts that works with students who have special needs is music. Providing techniques and ideas for para educators through music can build relationships, as well help with behavior interventions. Many people come together because of music. It has a way of connecting and defining people and their interests. Louise Pascale writes, “Music is threatening because it strengthens our souls, it builds community, it gives voice to those needing to be heard. It allows individuals to express themselves in creative, imaginative ways. It maintains and keeps cultures alive. Music is not frivolous; it is a universal right and an integrating force that brings communities together and maintains cultures and identities” (2013, p.133). Students are introduced to music at a young age, especially if they have a musically inclined family. When any student becomes school aged they start to have music integrated into their learning. At this age, music is used with movement to remember words, colors, shapes, and rhymes. Having a musical connection with students in one’s classroom can impact

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