Outline For Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Background- In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, there is a long feud between two houses, Montague and Capulet. Fate brought the two star crossed lovers together. After going many conflicts with their families, the two lovers committed suicide, ending their family feud.
Thesis- After analyzing the text, the one who is responsible for the tragic death is destiny.
Counter argument- People believe that Lord Capulet is responsible for this tragic death. He allowed Romeo to stay at his party Romeo got to meet Juliet. He was selfish and forced Juliet to marry Paris. However, he wasn’t responsible for Romeo and Juliet committed suicide. He gave Juliet a choice. Either stay in the house and marry Parish or not.
Body of Speech:
1st Topic Sentence- One of the reasons that destiny is responsible for two lovers’ lives is binding them together. Quote: “What lady is that which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?”(I.iv.40) …show more content…

However, Fate led Romeo to see Juliet and fall in love with her. Fate allowed Cupid to shoot another arrow at Romeo to make sure that the first girl he see will be the one who take the pain from him after got rejected by Rosaline and love the girl even more than Rosaline.
2nd Topic Sentence- Fate deepens the family feud of the two houses.
Quote: “My sword, I say! Old Montague is come, And flourishes his blade in spite of me.”(I.i.67-68)
Analysis: Capulet and Montague are destined to fight each other and continue the long lasting feud between the two houses. Lord Capulet's and Montague’s hot temper strengthen the feud every time they see each other, they just want to take each other head. 3rd Topic Sentence- The family feud has exacerbated to the point that nothing can put an end to it except their children's deaths.
Quote- “These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and

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