The Flaws of Romeo and Juliet

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Life is full of the unpredictable. As humans, some of us believe it is guided by fate or by choice. Fate is defined as an unavoidable or predetermined path, yet a life of choice is guided through the risks one is willing to take. A life of choice can be in many scenarios, not only in reality, but also in stories, legends and plays. In the play “Romeo and Juliet”, Shakespeare determines the outcome of flaws through the ancient grudge, Romeo’s **and Old Capulet’s threat.
The Capulet’s and Montague’s ancient struggle has a great impact on the outcome of the plot. The hatred has restricted their children from loving who they desire. The hate between the families is so great, they do not spend the time to understand their children and support them. Some say parents know what’s best for you, but in this case, it is proven wrong. That is where the flaws come into play. Capulet and Montague spend too much time on their own hateful matters than focusing on their child’s future. They do not understand that their children are more important than the hatred they have for the other household. Capulet and Montague’s hate had already created a blockade between the young lovers, yet Romeo and Juliet still urged to love each other even though they knew their consequences. From that, Romeo and Juliet sacrificed anything to be with each other. For instance, in the end, Romeo went through all the multiple struggles to die beside Juliet, and Juliet had taken the potion and went through all the pain just to be with Romeo. Suppose the hatred is replaced with brotherhood, it is sure that Romeo and Juliet would not have to overcome any death related obstacles. Therefore, the ancient struggle between the two families played a great role that proves this p...

... middle of paper ... Friar Lawrence who comes up with the sacrificing plan that went wrong and resulted to a brutal end. Suppose if Capulet had not forced Juliet’s marriage or rearrange it on an earlier day, it is sure Romeo and Juliet would not have died the way they did. To conclude, Capulet’s threat brought the young couple to a barbaric death.
In conclusion, the hatred between the families, the strong young love, and Juliet’s forced marriage played great roles which lead to the brutal death of these star crossed lovers. The parent’s hatred blinded them to pay attention to their children’s needs, the love kept Romeo and Juliet together through all costs and the Friar’s plan to avoid the marriage went wrong which lead them to their death.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Ed. Dom Salaini, et al. Toronto : International Thomson
Publishing, 1997. Print.

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