Ottoman Empire Research Paper

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The Ottoman Empire, located south-eastern Europe and centered in modern day turkey, was one of longest lasting empires in history sustained by Islam from 1299 to 1922. This empire had a strong military and gained territory by conquering land. For centuries,the capital of the ottoman empire was constantinople and it was well known as a destination for trade. Like many empires throughout history, the Ottoman Empire weakened and eventually collapsed. Prior to World War 1, The Ottoman Empire had many long term issues relating to its decline, however, WW1 finalized its fall. Due to the misfortune in many military conflicts, ethnic differences, and external relations with Europe, including the participation in the first world war, the Ottoman Empire …show more content…

Many people think of the Ottoman Empire as a Turkish Empire; however, it was made up of numerous people with different ethnicities. The millet system, created by the Ottoman Empire, was established to allow people of different ethnic backgrounds within the empire to govern themselves; however, they were still known as the Ottomans. When the idea of self rule and independence arose, many minorities within the empire began to revolt and many of the revolts happened to be successful. “Although the millet system gave people their rights and allowed them to rule themselves, European nationalism dictated that the ethnic minorities of the Ottoman Empire should not have a Turkish sultan. Nationalism meant that they had to break free of the Ottoman Empire and be led by their own people.” Moreover, specific revolts were taken place within the Ottoman Empire and they were supported by many European Countries. The Greek Revolution in 1821-1832 supported by European powers resulted in the establishment of an independent kingdom of Greece. The Serbian revolution, strongly supported by the Russians, started off with a violent struggle but later ended with a ceasefire and became a young monarchy 5. Much later on, even the Turks began to revolt against the Ottoman Empire and the …show more content…

The ottoman empire was already in a state of corruption as it was experiencing hardship before the war, such as military decline, loss of territory, and economic problems. WW1 just made the empire snap like a rubber band that had been pulled for centuries. In the 18th and 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was known as the “sick man of europe” because of how weak the empire became. One of the causes of WW1 was the conflicts and instability that took place in the Balkan states which was some Ottoman territory. As stated earlier, Many ethnic groups such as the serbs and the greeks wanted independence and a lot of these groups were located in the Balkan states. Later on in the war, The Ottoman Empire fought with the Allied Powers and against the Germans. “After 1916, army desertions took place on a massive scale, and economic pressures became acute.” The surrender of Bulgaria was the final blow and the ottomans later signed the Armistice of Mudros that marked the final defeat of the Ottoman

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