Operant Conditioning Summary

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Joshua Klein was at a cocktail party with his friends when one was complaining about the crows in their yard. Joshua mentioned that they should train them to do something useful, and the friend responded that it was impossible. This is what brought Klein to his idea of making a vending machine for crows. Klein studied crows and found that they adapt a lot to live in our world. He figured he would make something useful and beneficial for both the birds and us. After spending years reading about crows, Klein made his vending machine.
Klein shows several example videos of birds adapting to their environments to show how these birds adjust to living in our lives. One example is a bird living in Japan and learning how to crack open a nut by dropping it in the street, letting a car run over it, waiting for the light to change, then retrieve their food. They learned this by other crows doing the same thing in Tokyo years before. Klein has learned that crows are now really smart as well as they …show more content…

Joshua Klein’s experiment relates to the topic of operant conditioning that we learned in our class. According to Behavior Analysis and Learning, Operant conditioning is an increase or decrease in operant response as a function of the consequences that have followed the response. In Klein’s case, we want the behavior of picking up coins and putting it in the vending machine to increase. He uses the peanuts as reinforcement for the operant response.
In the experiment, operant conditioning occurs when the crow retrieves a coin, puts in the vending machine slot and gets his food. The vending machine, the SD, sets the occasion for picking up the coins after operant conditioning is complete. The result of the coins being put into the vending machine provides the bird with the peanut, which becomes the

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