The American Crow

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American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) are a species of bird found in the family Corvidae, a family that also includes magpies, nutcrackers, and jays (Eastman, 1997). According Eastman’s book Birds of Forest, Yard, and Thicket, there are around forty-two Corvus species, and most of them live in the Northern Hemisphere (1997). American Crows in the United States usually do not migrate, but they do migrate in Canada. Not all American Crows migrate, but they are social birds who form wintertime flocks that sometimes reach over 200,000 birds (Burton et al., 2010).
American Crows have a number of features that make them identifiable, and to help keep them from being confused with another member of the Corvus genus, the Common Raven (Marzluff et al., 2013). American Crows can reach a length between 17 to 21 inches, with a wingspan of 39 inches, while the Common Raven is a larger bird that has an average length of 24 inches (Burton et al. 2010; Marzluff et al, 2013). Both the American Crow and the Common Raven have black coloration, but their feathers and beaks differ. Common Ravens have a larger, stronger beak, a wedge-shaped tale, and spikey feathers on their throat. American Crows, on the other hand, have a smaller and less bulky bill, smooth throat feathers, and they have tail feathers that fan out instead of forming a wedge (Marzluff et al, 2013). The two birds have different styles of flying. A Common Raven soars in flight, but C. brachyrhynchos usually keeps flapping its wings instead of gliding (Burton et al. 2010; Marzluff et al, 2013). Finally, American Crows also have a different call than their raven counterparts: their cry is a “caw, caw” that sets its voice apart from the croaking noises ravens make (Marzluff et al, 2013...

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... Crows may be to blame for some, their bad record is not entirely justified. They may eat human crops, but generally it is the left over grain that they eat. Humans also benefit from their appetite for carrion and insects, since crows eat roadkill and farm pests (Burton et al., 2010). American Crows may not be the most beautiful or agreeable of birds, but they are a complex and interesting species.

Burton, R. & Kress, S. W., (2010). Bird profiles: American Crow. Audubon North American birdfeeder guide (Rev. ed., p. 150). New York: DK.
Eastman, J. (1997).14-Crow and Jay Family (Corvidae). Birds of forest, yard, and thicket. (pp. 127- 145). Mechanicsburg, Pa: Stackpole Books. Retrieved from: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) [Accessed 3 March 2014]
Marzluff, J., Angell, T. & Elliot, B. (2013, May. - Jun.). Birds: Brains over brawn. Audubon, 115(3), 40-41.

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