A Reflection Of Operant Conditioning

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Operant conditioning is a type of learning in that an act is strengthened when followed by an incentive whereas a behavior will be enfeeble when followed by a punishment. Operant conditioning is based on a simple theory that behavior is directly correlated by the consequences that follow it. Operant conditioning is broken into two parts of schedules of reinforcement: continuous and partial. Continuous schedules of reinforcement mean that every time a behavior is presented there is some kind of reinforcement that follows it. On the other hand partial schedules of reinforcement occasionally provides some form of reinforcement to a certain behavior. Partial schedules of reinforcement is divided into four parts. Fixed ratio schedule is part of …show more content…

When repeating this action several times it helps humans to stay engaged in the cycle of the new behavior because they receive motivation and feedback continuously. My personal experiences has amplified the credibility of operant conditioning because throughout the experiment I have personally seen the evolution of the student. The change wasn’t obvious in the beginning but surely after a couple of times the change gradually took place. This is a reflection of empiricism theory, which is a theory defined as knowledge derived from surrounding environment and experience according to webster 's dictionary, because the student is learning from experience that if he learns to distribute his time he will be able to sleep more the night before and still be able to get 90 or above on the tests. Furthermore giving him/her an encouragement to start the process will only amplify the quickness of his the wanted results. Overall the hypothesis for my experiment is that if I give my student a $20 bill every time he/she got a 90+ on test with 7 hours of sleep the night before then he/she will be more productive and have increased test scores. The hypothesis would be tested through an experimental design to see if the student will increase his/her productivity, …show more content…

When the recipient acknowledges that they will be reviewing a reinforcement after a certain behavior they are very likely to increase the behavior due to the incentive. Distributed studying is very potent and vital because it allows students to organize their study time over a week 's periods without cramming all of the material the night before. Distributed studying also is very powerful in aiding the long term memory because it helps rehearse the information more than 2-3 times and understanding small portions of data throughout the week is a lot efficient than memorizing a huge chunk of info the night before and expecting to fully memorize the whole thing for the exam. Not only is distributed study imperative with retaining a subjects material but also sleep is a very crucial component of learning. According to med.harvard.edu it has been suggested that the quantity and the quality of sleep have profound impact on learning and memory. First of all it has be shown that when a person is sleep deprived it will very hard for them to concentrate and retain information at a higher rate. Secondly sleep itself has been shown to have a direct correlation with memory which is an essential key for learning new material. Therefore allowing enough sleep before tests and quizzes will help

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