Fast Food Industry: The Root of America's Obesity

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In recent discussions of America's obesity dilemma, David Zinczenko's article "Don't Blame the Eater," argues that the fast-food places is at fault for the today's obesity problem because their low product prices are what started the American obesity problem. Zinczenko claims parents' with children are easily deceived by the low-cost prices of the fast-food industry. His logic for this was when he was a young boy, for example, his mother was always working long hours and never had time to get him a healthier meal; so he ate at a lot of fast-food places on a daily basis, and ended up becoming overweight. Zinczenko hopes that the latest lawsuits against the fast-food industry will lead to a healthier and better life for working families. …show more content…

Although some might object that farmer's markets and delis are hard to find in local towns, I would reply that their family's health is at risk and put a few more miles on the family car is worth it to purchase …show more content…

Zinczenko himself writes, "Complicating the lack of alternatives is the lack of information about what, exactly, we're consuming. There are no calorie information charts on fast-food packaging, the way there are on grocery items" (242). The essence of Zinczenko's argument is that people in the fast-food industry are not completely honest about the food products they're selling us. I believe that local restaurants like farmer's markets and delis can make a difference in people's eating habits. The majority of farmer's markets, for example, offer an array of fruits and vegetables that are ripe and fresh. Many farmers who participate in local farmer's market use more organic and traditional methods to grow their meats and crops. Farmer's markets who practice these organic or conventional process of growing their crops or developing their meat help make the food they sell taste better, and it healthier for you and your family unlike, the fast-food industry that puts chemicals and GMOs in the product just to make a profit. Even the food in the farmer's market tastes better than the food from the fast-food restaurant. For example, if you buy an apple from McDonald's and an apple from a farmer's market; the apple from the farmer's market always tastes better because it was picked during the ripeness

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