Nutrients Essay

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What are nutrients? Nutrients are components that are included in various foods which help us to survive and grow in various ways. There are 7 types of nutrients, these are protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water, fats and fibre. Organic nutrients include carbohydrates, fats, proteins and vitamins, but inorganic chemical compounds like dietary minerals, water and oxygen can also be included into the category of Nutrients. Nutrients are split into 2 groups; Macronutrients and Micronutrients. What are Macronutrients? Macronutrients are nutrients that are required in large amounts that provide the energy needed to maintain the human body functions and carry out day-to-day activities. There are three types of macronutrients - Carbohydrates …show more content…

It can also improve the digestive system. 4 year olds should eat around 15g a day for normal and healthy development. Fibre can only come from plant based foods, so you would not find fibre in meat/fish. There a 2 different type of fibre, soluble and insoluble, both of these helps the body in different ways and are both needed in healthy amounts. Soluble fibre dissolves in water and can help lower cholesterol. some soluble fibres are: -fruits (apples and bananas) -golden linseeds -oats, rye and barley -root vegetables (potatoes, carrots) Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water and passes through the gut without breaking down. It helps keeps the bowels healthy and helps prevent digestive problems. Some insoluble fibres are: -bran -cereals -wholemeal bread -nuts and seeds. What are Micronutrients? We only need small amounts of foods which are micronutrients but they play very important roles in our diets, development and well-being. A lack of micronutrients can lead to under-development in children and an increase of vulnerability to various diseases in adulthood. Micronutrients …show more content…

Nutrients for 4 year olds 4 year olds should eat around 1,200 to 14,00 to properly function through out the day and for healthy growth and development. It is important that a 4 year old eats each nutrient in the right amount, as every nutrient is beneficial to them. 4 year olds should eat a well-balanced meal and try to eat 5 fruits and 5 vegetables everyday. Some foods that would be good are: -Deep water fish (salmon, cod, tuna) as they contain calcium which help strengthen and develop bones and contain large amounts of vitamin D which is essential for the development of the brain. -Leafy Vegetables as they contain iron and calcium which is vital for red blood cells and contain vitamin E and A and good fatty acids. -Berries as they contain vitamin B-6 which helps the body metabolise carbohydrates, proteins and fats and good brain development. -Whole grains as they are great source of good carbohydrates and also contain vitamins B6 an B12 which are essential to healthy development of the nervous system. -Beans as they are high in

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