Implementing Clock Element on Altera DE2-115 Board

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This report presents the implementation of a Clock element and the use of the seven segment display on the Altera DE2-115 board. This experimentation with the clock and display are valuable since they are a precursor to future labs to come. In order to make these items work it required the use or Verilog code, which was given for parts 1, 2, and 3.

In Part 1, the user was presented with code that enables use of the internal clock on the DE2-115(Appendix A-1). After compiling the user was to find a value for X would allow LEDR[0] on the DE2 to blink. In order to store a larger value for the count X their is a need to increase the count bit size from [17:0] to something large enough to store a number larger than 262,193. After adjusting the size from 50 to 5,000, a pattern begins to emerge. The larger the value the further you move down the rows of LEDs’ closer to LEDR[0]. The value for X turned out to be approximately 1.3 million. In addition to the physical implantation, their was also a simulation created to show what happens when the clock reaches a particular value(Appendix A-2). This presented the outcome of LEDs’ blinking on the DE2-115 board. …show more content…

The task was to four switches on the DE2-115 to display a full set of possible digits. The code was given again, with a modular approach, as seen in Listing 2. The first piece was making it possible for each digit to be displayed by using a module called hex7seg(Appendix B-1). The main module called upon the hex7seg module and passed along the input switches and what to output to(see Appendix B-2). The outcome of this part was expected, the controlling of the seven segment

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