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Essays on northouse leadership skills
Advantages of the trait theory of leadership
Advantages of the trait theory of leadership
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In my opinion, the trait approach is the defining leadership from the objective perspective rather than a physical or technical glance. It is the study of consistent patterns in thought, emotion, and behavior of an individual that are linked to effective leadership across various situations. Northouse’s five leadership traits are intelligence, integrity, sociability, determination and self-confidence. The trait approach provides a foundation to what a leader should look like due to it being backed back a century of research; however, there is no definite list of traits or take into account situational traits.
The clip titled, Leaders are born, reference many situations where leaders emerged. Specifically, determination was portrayed by Michael Jordan. Jordan was cut from his school’s basketball team because they believe he wasn 't good enough. That did not discourage him and at the end of his career, he is still the reigning best basketball player of all time. Based off Northouse’s definition of determination which is not to give up, Michael Jordan is an ideal example. Also, Rosa Parks and Gandhi are both models for the all of the traits according to Northouse’s definition. Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man and fought for civil rights while Gandhi fought for independence in India. Sociability was needed to communicate to their followers, intelligence was required in order to win their goals, and self-confidence remained to motivate them to continue their cause.
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Human skills were required by people like Rosa Parks to interact with their followers, conceptual skills to formulate ideas on how to fight their cause and win the battle, and technical skills to bring their ideas to
Kirkpatrick, S. A., & Locke, E. A. (2001). Leadership: Do traits Matter? Academy of Management Executive,5,, 48-60.
The very basic definition of leadership is the action or ability to lead a group. It is also the process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others and directs it towards the achievement of goal. What makes a good leader? There are some characteristics that represent a good leader, they are:
Leadership is a complex process with many different approaches. This is a summary of the leadership literature including the pros and cons of each approach. The trait approach implies successful leaders are born with those traits. This theory focuses on identifying certain traits that make people great leaders. Some of the major leadership traits identified in the trait approach are intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and social ability. There are many advantages to the trait approach. “First, it is intuitively appealing because it fits clearly into the popular idea that leaders are special people who are out front, leading ...
Read Chapter 1 in Northouse. What does leadership mean? Justify your response. Explain the following components of leadership: process, influence, group context, and goal attainment.
Leadership has always been a diligently studied subject; the art and science of being an effective leader is something that most people would like to successfully cultivate. However, reading every book on the subject does not guarantee successful leadership – it only assists in the understanding of how others flourished in their methods. A technique that worked in one situation may reap havoc on another – such as Spartacus taking over as the leader of the people in India instead of Ghandi. The key to leading is understanding the circumstances you are in and the kind of behavior that will secure covenantal followers. Furthermore, even if an individual was not born with specific personality traits that are advantageous to potential leaders, if
Zaccaro, S.J. (2007) "Trait-based perspectives of leadership.", American Psychologist, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 6.
Our world is filled with many successful leaders. The gift of being a leader can be learned; however some individuals have a natural born talent to be a leader. Each leader has his or her own unique leadership style. The gift of being a leader can be learned. Certain individuals are born with a charismatic style and can easily be a leader. A successful leader is one who can inspire and motivate people towards a goal. Martin Luther King Jr. was an individual with a born gift to lead people. The following paper will discuss how Martin Luther King Jr. was able to inspire and motivate people with his effective leadership style.
The Trait Theory points out that there is a certain type of person making a good leader, with the decisive factor being: having or not having distinctive qualities of being a leader. Despite that, being an effective leader can still be a challenge. External and internal influences impact the effectiveness of the program and must be considered in order to succeed. Which leads us to the Behavioural Theory, thinking of what a good leader actually does. Kurt Lewin developed three leadership types, such as the autocratic leader who is a maker, someone who makes decisions without consultation with others.
As Yukl (2010) indicates, such factors (e.g. personality, values and capacities) attributed to a leader. Normally it is widespread acknowledged that someone is born to be a lead...
The Traits theory, otherwise known as the Great Man theory, is the origination of leadership theories. This theory believes that there is a unique set of qualities for a leader, mainly: his intelligence and ability to judge, his knowledge power, self-confidence and dependabil...
Trait leadership is the foundation of great leadership, but because the theory was based on having the traits. The theory of trait leadership states that if a person/manager does not have all of them, then they do not apply it to their leadership skills. The qualities that define a leader or manager have all the characters, but they were supposed to already have the characteristics when being appointed a higher position. These certain qualities are drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, job-relevant knowledge and extraversion (Robbins, Decenzo& Coulter, 2015). The seven traits can be learned but from the theory the person must have inherited them from their family or just knew them already. “The search for specific traits in leaders has never yielded a list that can be used”, but there are certain traits that are common in many effective leaders (Taylor, 1994). One of the common traits is drive or motivation can make an impact on the environment around them. When a manager has motivated the people around them are also motivated. With no drive a manager will get nothing done and they would not care
After understanding the theory behind both the trait and skill approach, I was eager to evaluate and reflect on my own leadership traits. It was interesting to see how the trait approach allowed me to better understand whether or not I have certain traits considered to be important for leadership, while skills approach allowed me to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses in the technical, human and conceptual skills. From completing the Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) and the Skills Inventory, I was able to reflect more on how I behave towards others in a leadership context, as well as the skills that I currently possess. As a naturally extroverted person, I have been taking on leadership roles from a young age. The findings from these two
The most important quality that differentiates a leader from other people is the ability to think strategically. Vision is the most important aspect that drives a leader’s strategy. It is all about where you want to be. Other qualities include Decision making, problem solving, time management, self-motivation, emotional intelligence and many more. Once we know the type of leadership, it is easy to find what leadership skills we have and which we need to develop which is explained in the book “Leadership: Theory, application, skill development (5th ed.) by Lussier and Achua.” Also, Keirsey Style Sorter personality type helps to knowing our temperament type, and work on our weakness and to emerge out as a good leader.
Trait theories are theories that consider personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders." Early results aimed at confirming this theory were inconclusive. Many research studies were conducted and each identified key traits supposed to differentiate leaders from nonleaders. The problem is that they didn't get the same results, thus failing to discover common traits, which should have shown in each research study. When applying the Big Five Personality framework (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience) to the study and research of leadership traits, results were more encouraging. They showed that the most important trait for leaders was extraversion. Still, this founding sh...
Another aspect of leadership includes leadership traits such as being influential and inspirational. There also different contexts of leadership, e.g, leading oneself, leading other individuals, leading groups, leading organizations. Some traits that are often associated with being an effective leader include a measure of intelligence, high energy, self confidence, dominance, and a need for achievement. An effective, charismatic leader must lead by example. That leader must be able to know what is going on, the job or task that is being accomplished, and be able to lead the group into performing the task at hand successfully.