Nature vs. Nurture: The Biology of Sexuality

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Biology is a science and the questions are if women and men are predetermined by this science and if it has an impact on people's behaviours. This questions are difficult to argue about because we do not have the right answer and everyone has a subjective point of view. It appears mostly as a philosophical debate. The science itself researches concrete facts trying to understand the reflection on knowledge and conscientiousness in achievements of sciences.
First of all, we have to make the difference between sex and gender. Biological sex includes physical attributes such as sex chromosomes, hormones and internal reproductive structures and external genitalia. This is what identify individuals as male or female at birth. Gender has much more complex meaning for It explains along with one's physical characteristics the complex interrelationship between those traits and one's internal sense of self as male, female, both or neither as well one's outward presentations and behaviours related to that perception.
Focusing on sex features, several studies have proven that there are expressed differences between males and females programmed within the DNA from the moment of conception. According to researches at child stage the physical and biological differences between a boy and a girl is not clearly exposed. The divergences between both becomes bigger at puberty, or, more precisely at the sexual maturation step after which a boy becomes a man, and a girl becomes a woman. Some physical variations between the male and female starts to develop at this early stage because of sex hormones. Boys produce testosterones which shape their psychology, they become taller as well their voices break and their beard starts growing. Another horm...

... middle of paper ... such programme suffer a lots of controversy and opposition from fearing that this will shake the traditional family values.
The development of biology and genetics in the end of last century showed an interest in studying the diversity among Humans in distinctive societies and cultures. The question arose under another form : could we talk about a « Human being Nature », or he a mixture of everything which is innate in man entirely transformed by education and culture ? Neither Nature or Nurture would be enough to determine one's person understanding of being men or women.

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