Napoleon A Good Leader In Animal Farm

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What defines a good leader? How he treats people? Or if he has visions for the future? Leadership does not necessarily mean having good intentions, but more as getting the job done efficiently and effectively. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the pigs led the rebellion against Farmer Jones, but eventually Napoleon, a pig, took charge and led the entire farm. He directed the other animals on the farm and he accomplished much from the time he took charge to the end of the book. Animal Farm’s leader, Napoleon, was not a pleasant leader, but he got everything done very efficiently. Even though Napoleon did not have any moral qualities and broke all the rules originally made for Animal Farm, his guidance helped the farm prosper. Napoleon was an effective …show more content…

The pigs and the dogs lived and prospered even though all the “lower” class animals struggled. Napoleons greediness begins when he decides that the pigs get the apples and milk: “The animals assumed as a matter of course that [the apples] would be shared out equally; one day, however, the order went forth that all the windfalls were to be collected and brought to the harness-room for use of the pigs” (25). From very early on, the pigs take the extra food for themselves and when the other animals begin to grumble about it, Napoleon sends Squealer to make them understand. Napoleon started to take the apples and milk from the beginning of Animal Farm so that in the end of the book, it did not seem strange that he took more than his fair share of food. Furthermore, near the end of the story, all the animals notice how fat the pigs had gotten because of their extra rations: “Squealer was so fat that he could with difficulty see out of his eyes” (87). This is not the first time that the animals realize how much weight the pigs have gained in the past few years. Animal Farm prospered even if the lower class animals could not all see it. Many say that Napoleon did not lead effectively because he took care of his needs first, but really Napoleon showed his brilliance because he slowly took away the extra food, so that later it would not strike the animals strange that he continually readjusted the rations so that he could eat more. His effective leadership allowed the by the farm to flourish and Napoleon and the pigs to prosper

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