NHS Reflective Essay

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The NHS Plan (2000) tackled the system which had become outdated since 1948, reformed IPW and IPC and put service users at the heart of the service. The Plan highlights an almost paternalistic approach towards patients and the lack of rights to question the care they receive. The NHS Plan represented a milestone not only by introducing key points (such as continuity of care, erasing division between staff, reducing waiting time, empowering patients through choices, recognising the importance of performance monitoring, targets to reduce health inequalities and provide a healthy start for children) but also recognising the need for the service user's voice, which reshaped the whole healthcare system (NHS, 2000). IPW can be carried out if there …show more content…

This is a transferable skill which I aim to employ within midwifery. I enjoy engaging with people and have an attitude of being persistent in problem solving. I have an open minded, receptive attitude for other people's opinions, as I know everybody perceives situations from various angles. I enjoy listening to people, to their experiences, opinions and knowledge on various topics and I think with each profession possessing so much knowledge, that interprofessional connections are the only way to completely cover individuals health and social care needs and wishes. I am naturally non-judgemental and anti-discriminatory and approach everybody with the same kind and caring manner. The main competence I am taking forward and aiming to improve on, is to learn more about other professionals frameworks. I found it very inspiring to read other professions frameworks during my research for this assignment and also during my placement

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