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The introduction of person centred care
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Unit 17 1.1 Person centred care means basing the care and support of a person around them. Looking at things from their perspective, promoting their beliefs, preference, likes and dislikes. They are involved in the development of their support plans, risk assessments and what they want to achieve. They determine what they want and how they want things doing. It promotes their individual needs and what is important to them. We listen to the individual and find out about their wishes and look at ways of carrying this out as safely as possible. We work with the individual, their families and others to empower the individual and to promote independence in their lives and ensure that the individual is supported to maintain their lives as they …show more content…
This was followed up by changes in the department of health where people were to be given more choice over what services they needed. The National service framework further increased the need for individualised services that related to a person’s needs rather than fitting into existing services. The care standards act 2000 developed the need to develop individualised service provision for people and for services to adapt to these needs. Person centred care was then incorporated into many policies to promote independence and the rights and choices of …show more content…
We support them to develop and achieve their aims and objectives through involving them in the development of their care plans and in any decisions. We give the clients all the information they need to be able to make choices and support them through the referral process to enable them to get the appropriate information to make decisions. Consent is necessary from everyone, not only those who can verbalise his or her needs. It is important to find out the persons communication needs so that they can be involved in discussions around their needs and preferences. My duty of care is to ensure that choices are given, and that appropriate support is obtained where there is lack of capacity is the decision is complex and the individual cannot consent. This may be from families or next of kin or using advocates to ensure that the client’s best interests are maintained. There may be past events or requests that could indicate the client’s preferences, and these must be considered when choices have to be made by others. Any preferences should be recorded on care plans and shared with relevant others to be able to determine the best interests of the person. Decisions should also be put off until the client is able to make their own choices where possible and not taken on their behalf through assuming we know
D1: I have decided to look at a 6 year old going through bereavement. Bereavement means to lose an individual very close to you. When children go through bereavement they are most likely to feel sad and upset about the person’s death. Children at a young age may not understand when a family member dies. Children may not understand bereavement. For example a 6 year old’s father been in a car crash and has died from that incident. Death is unpredictable and children can’t be prepared for a death of a family member as no one knows when someone is going to die or not. Unfortunately every child can experience bereavement even when a pet dies. It is important that we are aware that effects on the child so we can support them in the aftermath.
The case study will identify a number if strategies to apply supportive approaches using the principals and practices of providing person-centred care, reflected against a real client situation within an organisational perspective. The case study is considering the situation with reflection of the two questions chosen from the Person-centred Care Assessment Tool. In relation to one’s ability to engage and be supported in the facilitation and management of person-centred care directives, within the role of a leisure and health officer.
To be person-centred, you must always be at the centre of the individuals care plan. The Individuals that you work with you have to make sure that you always put their views first. Therefore, you can’t have one care plan for two different individuals because every individual is different. Every individual that you may work with must be involved in every activity and in every stage of their care plan; therefore, whichever activities you may put up you have to make sure that if the individual is capable for taking part. To meet the individual’s needs and support that is required you must take feedback on how the care plan is working for the individual.
Content 1.1 how principle and support are applied to ensure individuals are cared for in health and social care practice.
The Open University (2010) K101 An introduction to health and social care, Unit 3, ‘Social Care In The Community’, Milton Keynes, The Open University.
According to the NICE (2015) health and social care professionals should always seek valid consent from people with dementia. This should entail informing the person of options, and checking that he or she understands, that there is no coercion and that he or she continues to consent over time. If the person lacks the capacity to make a decision, the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 must be followed. The nurse assessed the patient capacity and ensured that the decision made was in the best interest of the patient. The doctor uses specialist knowledge and experience and clinical judgement, and the patient’s views and understanding of their condition, to identify which investigations or treatments are likely to result in overall benefit for the patient (GMC, 2008). They took into consideration how the decision made will benefit Jean. After carrying out a full assessment, it was clear that Jean lack capacity and was therefore place under the mental capacity act
Person centred care is defined as health care professionals work together for people who use the health care services. Person centred care also helps to support the patient’s knowledge and also helps the patient to develop an understanding of their health condition and also gives them the confidence to effectively manage and make educated decisions about their own health and also the health care in which they receive. (Health Foundation 2014). This suggests that each individual needs to be treated with the same amount of respect and they also need to be treat equally. Furthermore, the RCN (2015) argue that important principles of Person Centred Care are respect, dignity and compassion. As professional it is important that
Person centred practice is used to support individuals by doing things that people see when using health and social care services as equal. Person centred skills that are enforced to support individuals are used for several reasons, for example lives of individual’s that are supported are improving and are developing. This means by letting their family at the centre of their decisions and working alongside them to their best
Health and social care professionals encounter a diverse amount of individuals who have different needs and preferences regarding their health. As professionals they must ensure that all services users, whether it is older people with dementia, an infant with physical disabilities or an adult with an eating disorder (National Minimum Data Set for Social Care, [no date]), are treated in a way that will successfully meet such needs. In fact, health and social care professionals have a ‘duty of care’ towards services users, as well as other workers, in which they must legally promote the wellbeing of individuals and protect them against harm, abuse and injury. (The Care Certificate Workbook Standard 3, [no date]) Duty of care is a legal requirement
Individuality. It implies in regarding them as individual, concentrating on their needs, capacities and accomplishments. It implies esteeming who they are, what they are occupied with and what they can in any case do, not on the way that they have dementia hence needn't bother to have the same attention as normal individual. It is also treating them with respect and dignity.
Queensland Health (2011) states that in the nursing profession, certain principles must be fulfilled in order for informed consent to be considered valid. They state that the patient must be deemed to have the capacity to make a decision about the proposed issue at that specific time, and not be under the influence of any alcohol or drugs. They state that the patient must consent voluntarily and the decision be made free of manipulation or undue influence by family or the nurse. They suggest that the discussion must involve two-way communication between the patient and the nurse and be clear, rational and sensitive to the situation. The nurse must provide the patient with sufficient information about the proposed issue in a language that the patient can clearly comprehend (Queensland Health, 2011). When providing care, both nurses and paramedics must ensure that the patient has adequate knowledge and have a necessary understanding of the procedure, to...
Putting the person at the heart of care is one of the essential roles in developing person centred care. (Department of health, 2005)
A positive care environment is reinforced by legislation and national care standards implemented by the Scottish Government. Legislation such as, Data Protection Act 1998, Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, GIRFEC (Getting it right for every child) and the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 put safeguards in place to give the service user legal rights.
Within this essay, I will reflect and critically analyse an OSCE which has increased my awareness, or challenged my understanding, in assessing the holistic needs of a service user (John), referred by his GP, whilst incorporating a care plan using the Care Programme Approach (CPA). By utilising this programme and other sources of current literature, I hope to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding in relation to this skill as well as identifying areas with scope for learning.
Person-centred care is the treatment and care provided by any health service. This particular concept places the person at the centre of their own care and considers the needs of the individual and the surrounding family members. At the core of this concept is getting to know the patient as a person look beyond the illness and build a therapeutic relationship with both the patient and the surrounding family members and carers. Talking to the patient finding out what their preferences are to the care you’re providing. Working within the person centred approach you should be flexible Meeting patients' individual needs while respecting values, preferences and needs. ,making sure that you keep your patient informed about the treatment that they are receiving.