D2 Explain The Importance Of Prioritising Patients

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This essay will explain the importance of ‘Prioritising patients’ from one of the ‘P’s in the Nurses and Midwifery Council Code. The Nurse and Midwifery Council Code (NMC) is a set of standards in which nurses and midwives have to maintain to keep their registration. It is used to guide and support nurses and midwives whilst in practise. Within the code there are a set of four key principles that support the practice of all nurses and midwives, to remind them of their professional responsibilities. The code is structured around four key areas. Prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety and promoting professionalism and trust. The Code can be used by nurses and midwives as a way of strengthening their professionalism. If the code is not followed correctly it could bring their fitness to practise into question. http://www.bfwh.nhs.uk/onehr/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Reflection-for-revalidation-May-2015-values.pdf Prioritising patients is an important role in nursing. Putting the person at the heart of care is one of the essential roles in developing person centred care. (Department of health, 2005) …show more content…

Poor care does not only result in bad press and public perception but also break the trust between the patient and nurse. Utilising the theoretical framework developed by Todres et all (2009) which explores eight central aspects of what it is to be human. Todres et al (2009). This model can be used to improve nursing care. Referring to the term ‘being treated as human beings’ not being treated as a number or object. Todres et al (2009) stated the forms of humanisation insiderness treating people with respect recognising the patient’s skills knowledge and experiences rather than treating them as objects problems or diagnosis. Respecting the patient’s ability to make informed choices. Uniqueness treating the patient as a unique individual rather than putting them in a certain patient

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